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"My sixteen men," writes Thomson, "consisted in the first instance of Ensign Henderson of the 56th Native Infantry, five or six of the Madras Fusiliers, two plate-layers, and some men of the 84th. The first instalment was soon disabled. The Madras Fusiliers were all shot at their posts.

I saw a Kaffir fire three shots from about thirty yards off. Bombardier Collins, 84th Battery Royal Field Artillery: 'When lying wounded near the guns after the Boers had been up to them I tried to raise a white flag as our own people were dropping their bullets close to us. When I did this they fired at me. So long as an excuse could be found for a brave enemy we found it.

One very simple memorial held him longest, because it is the only one of its kind among all those records of state honor and family pride, and seems rather to belong to the antique Greek and Roman world which accepted death as the final fact, than to a Carolina churchyard. SARAH JOHNSTON born in this province 29th May 1690 Died 26th April 1774 In the 84th year of her age.

One commemorates Sir George Parker, the cantonment magistrate; a second, Captain Jenkins; a third, Lieutenant Saunders and the men of the 84th Regiment; a fourth, Lieutenant Glanville and the men of the Madras Fusiliers; and here, too, lies stout-hearted yet tender-hearted John MacKillop of the Civil Service the hero of another well, that from which the team of buffaloes are now drawing water to make the mortar for the Memorial Church.

Tytler and Havelock, as eager as Arnold, set spurs to their horses and are by his side in a moment. The brave and ardent 84th, commanded by Willis, dashes to the front. Then the hurricane opens. The big gun crammed to the muzzle with grape, sweeps its iron sleet across the bridge in the face of the gallant band, and the Sepoy sharpshooters converge their fire on it.

From this date until the peace, the military operations were few and unimportant. Major Studholme continued quietly to maintain his post at Fort Howe. In addition to a strong detachment of his own corps, the Royal Fencible American Regiment, he had a detachment of the 84th regiment, or Young Royal Highland Emigrants.

The 11th Reserve and 157th Regiments each lost nearly three-quarters of their effectives. The 9th Reserve Corps had also lost heavily. The 9th Reserve Jager Battalion lost about three-quarters, the 84th Reserve and 86th Reserve over half. On August 10th the 16th Division had six battalions in reserve.

Two female figures were swinging from the beam. "The auld story," said the shepherd in a low sad voice. "What was their crime?" he inquired of a bystander. "They tried to serve the Lord, that was a'," replied the man bitterly. "But they ended their coorse bravely. Ane sang the 84th Psalm and the ither spake of God's great love an' free grace to her and to sinfu' man."