United States or Zambia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

And the lords DELAWARE and HERVEY being appointed tellers, the numbers were, Contents 59, Proxies 23 82. Not contents 38, Proxies 16 54.

Camp would be thoroughly familiar with that day's practice and would be ready for suggestions as to plays and players to be put in operation the next day. "This method was pursued during the entire season and was practically the only systematic coaching that the team received. Of course there were several old players like Tompkins '84, Terry '85 and Knapp '82, who came to the field frequently.

Your next guess gave 12 points, your next 17, and your last 19. The total, 18 plus 16 plus 12 plus 17 plus 19, equals your number of guessing length or 82. Aim or Limb-control Take 25 medium-sized potatoes, and set up a bucket or bag whose mouth is round and exactly one foot across. Draw a line exactly 10 feet from the bucket or bag. Toe that line, and throw the potatoes, one by one, into the bag.

Wind, West by North, North-West by West; course South 82 West; distance 30 miles; latitude 58 degrees 33 minutes South, longitude 81 degrees 55 minutes West. Saturday, 4th. Fore and Middle parts, little wind and dark cloudy weather; latter, fresh Gales and Cloudy with some rain.

Cournet was no longer with us; he had remained behind to inform some of his friends, and we were told to take defensive measures in case his house was attacked. We looked for No. 82. The darkness was such that we could not distinguish the numbers on the houses. At length, at the end of the street, on the right, we saw a light; it was a grocer's shop, the only one open throughout the street.

From the N. to the W.S.W. the eye wandered over a wooded and unbroken interior, if I except a solitary double hill that rose in the midst of it, bearing S. 82 degrees W. distant 12 miles, and another singular elevation that bore S. 32 degrees W. called by the natives, Kengal.

At ten passed a stream like the Neaulico, running to the Gambia; and shortly after came in sight of the first range of hills, running from S. S. W. to N. N. E., we came near them; and at half past eleven halted at Sooteetabba, a watering place within a mile of the hills. " Obser. Merid. Alt. 164 45 0 82 22 30 0 16 0 82 38 30 Diff. par. and ref. 0 0 7 82 38 23

Again slips were passed around and again the students marked down the names of their favorites, three upon each slip. Counting up the vote for captains took longer than that for major, but soon the captain had his statement ready and the cadets listened in silence as he proceeded to make his announcement: "Whole number of votes cast, 288. "Richard Rover has 82. "Fred Garrison has 67.

Of the methods of precipitating the compounds of the protoxide and estimating the acid, that of the phosphate is by far the most accurate, titrating with uranium solution; 99.82 is a nearly constant average with me, much depending on the operator's familiarity with the uranium process. The methods of Lenssen, or ferricyanide of potassium method, yields very widely differing results.

Titanic shafts of glowing color in the early summer sun appeared; the hot rays from the sun, now only 82,500,000 miles away, shimmering on the colored metal walls. The new Airlines Building, a mile and a half high, supported at various points by actual spaceship driving units, was a riot of shifting, rainbow hues. A new trick in construction had been used here, and Evans smiled at it.