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E.g., Pliny Letters, i, 5, and iv, 17. E.g., Huschke, pp. 796, 797, 803, 807, 809, 810, 856, 857, 858. Or instances such as that mentioned in Digest, 48, 2, 18, where a sister brings an action to prove her brother's will a forgery. Pliny, Letters, vi, 33. Paulus in Dig., 22, 6, 9. Fully treated in Dig., 16, 1, and Paulus, ii, xi. Ulpian in Dig., 16, 1, 2. Aulus Gellius, xvii, 6. St.

+807+. Another Italian goddess, Minerva, stood, probably, in the earlier time for the simpler arts of a simple community she was the patroness of manual work and of the healing art. The expression omnis Minervae homo, descriptive of a man capable in his line of work, almost reduces her to an abstract idea.

My host discourses of the litter of pigs just arrived from the Great Nowhere, and dilates upon the fact that of the 3,423,807 pigs in England no two tails are curled alike. Perhaps even so no two nightingales curl their phrase identically, and one roulade differeth from another in glory. Decidedly the Parisian atmosphere is charged with artistic electricity.

"In density of population also this island ranks first among the West Indies, having half as many inhabitants as Cuba, more than eleven times as large. Of its 807,000 people, 326,000 are colored and many of the others of mixed blood.

Mr. Lizars states in another part of his Report, that the population of the Huron district In 1841, was . . . . . 5,600 In 1847, six years afterwards 16,641 increase 11,043 In 1848, one year do . . . 20,450 " 3,807 In 1850, two years do. . . 26,933 " 6,483 Many contradictory statements have been made and published in respect to what is the real actual grain average of Canada West.

He was killed in 807, in a battle against Gérold, Duke of Suabia, and his tomb is still to be seen at Ratisbon. Several families of Germany hold him for their ancestor; and some French genealogists have, without solid ground, discovered in him the grandfather of Robert the Strong, great-grandfather of Hugh Capet.

Nay, the "good Haroun Al Raschid," familiar to us all as the genial-hearted sovereign of the World of Faëry, is said to have sent from Bagdad, in the year 807 or thereabout, a royal present to Charlemagne, a very singular clock, which marked the hours by the sonorous fall of heavy balls into an iron vase.

* See Livingston vs. Van Ingen, 9 Johnson, 807 ; also Kent's "Commentaries", I, 432-38. Marshall pronounced the Fulton-Livingston monopoly inoperative so far as it concerned vessels enrolled under the Act of Congress to engage in the coasting trade; but in arriving at this very simple result his opinion takes the broadest possible range.

The payments at the Treasury on account of the service of the War Department from January 1 to October 29, 1867 a period of ten months amounted to $109,807,000.

Since then the Mission has been removed lower down the river, at the entrance of the Portland Canal, beautifully situated, hedged in by high mountain peaks, 3,807 and 3,385 feet in height. Inland there is good farming land, and many native villages, with souls thirsting for the Gospel news. The following day we sighted the church; soon the houses were visible.