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At this stage in the battle of the Somme the total of unwounded prisoners captured by the British numbered 189 officers and 10,779 men. The German losses in guns included five 8-inch and three 6-inch howitzers, four 6-inch guns, five other heavies, thirty-seven field guns, sixty-six machine guns, and thirty trench mortars.

European experimenters set out upon the principle that the resistance of plates is nearly as the square of their thickness, for example, that two 2-inch plates are but half as strong as one 4-inch plate; and the English, at least, have never subjected it to more than one valuable test. Stevens in 1854, but slightly indented, and did not break at the back, a 6-5/8-inch target similarly composed.

Guns, main battery, four 8-inch, six 6-inch, slow-fire; secondary battery, rapid-fire, four 6-pound, two 3-pound, two 1-pound, four 37 MM. Hotchkiss, two Colts, one field gun and five torpedo tubes. Captain N.M. Dyer. Raleigh Protected cruiser, 3,213 tons. Speed, 19 knots. Armor, 1 inch to 2-1/2 inches.

She continued firing from the 12-inch guns in the rear turret and from the two 8-inch starboard turrets. At this point a large piece of shell slipped through the peep-hole of the conning-tower and smashed its heavy armored dome. The next shot might prove fatal.

Care must be taken in drawing the capillary and blowing the bulb in both a and b that the capillary tubes are in the axis of the main tube, and in the same straight line with it. The open end of the 8-inch piece of tube and the bulb of the piece a are now warmed together, the end of the tube only moderately and the bulb to about its softening temperature.

A little later the Oregon joined the New York intending 8-inch shells into the city of Santiago. This was kept up until 1.40 P. M. By that time General Duffield had sent a message saying that his troops could not cross the stream, but would return to Altares.

She was launched in November, 1906, and had a water-line length of 443 feet; beam, 57 feet; draft of 21-1/ feet, and a speed of 21 knots. She carried two 8-inch, eight 6-inch, twenty-two 12-pounders, four 3-pounders, and two torpedo tubes. Seven inches of Krupp armor protected the vessel amidships and four inches forward.

Another piece of the 3/8-inch tube is prepared, about 4 inches long, and provided with a tail drawn out as indicated in b, so that when cut off at about 2-1/2 or 3 inches from the main tube its inner diameter may be slightly less than that of the narrowest point of the tube a. A small thick-walled bulb is blown at the point indicated by the dotted lines, and annealed.

The largest cylinders were those of "Model B." The smallest were in Models "N," "R," and "S" which were 3-3/4 inches in diameter with a 3-3/8-inch stroke. "Model T" has a 3-3/4-inch cylinder with a 4-inch stroke. The ignition was by dry batteries in all excepting "Model B," which had storage batteries, and in "Model K" which had both battery and magneto.

Thereafter I never lost one from such a cause and the cattle throve splendidly. Besides, the rock salt was much easier handled and considerably more economical. My wells were deep, none less than 250 feet, the iron casing 10-inch diameter, the pipe 6-inch or 8-inch, and the mill-wheels 20 feet in diameter; this huge wind power being necessary to pump up from such a depth a sufficiency of water.