United States or Chile ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I saw in some Athenaeum a somewhat contemptuous notice of G. B.'s 'Rommany Lil' or whatever the name is. Borrow sent a message to FitzGerald through Edmund Kerrich of Geldeston, asking him to visit Oulton Cottage. The reply shows all the sweetness of the writer's nature: LITTLE GRANGE, WOODBRIDGE, Jan. 10/75.

In both cases they are pyramidal in shape, and have level summits of considerable extent, which were reached by means of stairways on the outside. The great mound at Chichen-Itza is 75 feet high, and has on its summit a ruined stone edifice; that at Uxmal is 60 feet high, and has a similar ruin on its summit; that at Mayapan is 60 feet high; the edifice placed on its summit has disappeared.

By Deduction for absence, 1 week 8 days . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 " Board, lodging, etc., for 10 days, @ 75 cts. per day . . . . . . 7.50 " Damage to Institution by absence of teacher from duties, say . . . 25.00 " Stationery furnished . . . . . 43 " Postage-stamp . . . . . . . 01 " Balance due Helen Darley . . $32.06 $75.00 ROCKLAND, Jan. 1st, 1859.

Our course from the last hill had been about north 75 degrees east; the weather, which had been exceedingly oppressive for so many weeks, now culminated in a thunderstorm of dust, or rather sand and wind, while dark nimbus clouds completely eclipsed the sun, and reduced the temperature to an agreeable and bearable state.

This coil usually has a resistance of about 75 ohms and the meaning of the ohmic resistance of a receiver and its bearing on the sensitiveness of it will be explained a little farther along. How a Wireless Headphone Is Made. For wireless work a receiver of the watch-case type is used and nearly always two such receivers are connected with a headband.

Afterwards when I became acquainted with a good many old men, aged from 75 to 90 and upwards, I found that Old Joe's memory is still green in a good many villages of the district, from the upper waters of the Avon to the borders of Dorset. But it is only these ancients who knew him that keep it green; by and by when they are gone Old Joe and his neddies will be remembered no more.

During this conversation Johnson was talking to the doctor about an event that had taken place in those very quarters; he asked the doctor to tell him when the brig was in latitude 75 degrees 30 minutes, and when they passed it he cried: "Yes, it was just there!" in saying which tears filled his eyes. "You mean that Lieutenant Bellot died there?" said the doctor. "Yes, Mr. Clawbonny.

Turret Armor 12 inches 12 inches Battery armor 6 in. 6-1/2 in. Smoke stack protection 6 inches 9-1/2 inches l2-inch guns Ten Ten 5-inch guns Fourteen Sixteen Speed 21 knots 20.75 knots The Florida has Parsons turbines working on four shafts and generates 28,000 horse-power.

In all, the regulars had lost 75 men killed and 3 wounded, while of the militia 28 had been wounded and 108 had been killed or were missing. The march back was very dreary; and the militia became nearly ungovernable, so that at one time Harmar reduced them to order only by threatening to fire on them with the artillery.

Finally she wanted to hire a furnished room and kill herself and asked if 75 cents which she had was enough to do it with. Two weeks before admission she left home, wandered about all night, was picked up by the Salvation Army, and returned to her home. She said she wanted to die. At the Observation Pavilion she stated that her mother was falling to pieces and her father sick.