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Shirley, Williams took 74 able bodied men to Boston, recruited by himself in less than six days mostly in the Connecticut valley, and was given a Lieutenant colonel's commission in the regiment destined for Louisburg commanded by Col. John Choate.

There had been an especially festive banquet when she was seventy-four and I was forty-seven, and our friends had decorated the table with floral "4's" and "7's" the centerpiece representing "74" during the first half of the banquet, and "47" the latter half.

In 1852 he was a candidate for Vice-President of the United States on the ticket with John P. Hale. In 1860 he was re-elected Representative in Congress, and has since been a member of the Thirty-Eighth, Thirty-Ninth, and Fortieth Congresses. 31, 74, 364, 516, 553, 554. JOHN A. KASSON was born near Burlington, Vermont, January 11, 1822.

It was three quarters of a mile long and twenty feet wide, and furnished employment for two hundred and fifty men from May till November. The expenditures during that period were $176,985, and the receipts $251,426, showing a clear profit of $74,441. The next year, after the water had fallen, the company commenced its labors again; spent $160,000 and received $115,000, and thus lost $45,000.

Sixteen pieces of cannon, the whole baggage of the Imperialists, together with 74 colours, fell into the hands of the Swedes; 3,000 of the enemy perished on the field, and nearly the same number were taken prisoners.

The `Captain' was instantly wore round, instead of tacking, according to a signal just then made by the admiral, and away, after them we went, followed by the `Culloden, `Blenheim, and `Diadem. The `Captain' was in the rear of the British line; but by the manoeuvre just performed, we came up with the Spaniards, and in a short time we and the `Blenheim' were tooth and nail with no less than seven Spanish line-of-battle ships one, the `Santissima Trinidade, of 130 guns, and the `San Josef' and `Salvador del Mundo' of 112, the others being of 80 and 74 guns.

The crying of the baby roused her, and she went to the cowyard and milked a cow to get milk for the hungry child, and there she was found by the soldiers. She was queer in her ways and thoughts afterwards, and, it was said, always remained 13 years old. She died in November last, aged 74.

But Khamisi climbed a tree for fear of the lions, and the vultures settled on it, so that when the men arrived on the spot, the eyes, the tongue, and a great part of the posteriors were eaten up. What remained weighed as follows, when brought in and hung to the scales: 1 hind leg . . . . 134 lbs. 1 fore leg . . . . 160 " Ribs . . . . . . 158 " Neck . . . . . . 74 " Rump . . . . . . 87 "

"This prevented our attacking Le Monarque, 74, and the Tonnant, within any distance to do execution. However we attempted both, especially the latter. While we were engaged with her, the breechings of all our lower-deck guns broke, and the guns flew fore and aft, which obliged us to shoot ahead, for our upper guns could not reach her."

The Portuguese squadron consisted of Don Joaõ, 74; Constitucaõ,50; Perola, 44; Princeza Real,28; Calypso, 22; Regeneracaõ, 26; Activa, 22; Dez de Fevereiro, 26; Audaz, 20; S. Gaulter, 26; Principe do Brazil, 26; Restauracaõ, 26; Canceicaõ, 8; with between sixty and seventy merchant vessels and transports filled with troops.