United States or Suriname ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There are $67,370 good Spaniards down in the run, and that for goods which I see are invoiced at just $26,240; and when you consider that no duties, port-charges, or commissions are to be deducted, but that the dollars under our feet are all our own, without any drawbacks, I call the operation a good one.

For instance, I saw an assortment of 5-cent goods consisting of 167 dozen articles which would retail, as you can figure, for $100.20; cost to the dealer, $60; profit, $40.20, or 67 per cent, on the investment." "Let's go into the 5-cent business," said the cutlery man "Better start a knife-stand on the street. Do you make goods for street-men?" "No; they handle the cheapest Dutch trash."

Consul Hayward: Habitations Males Females Total Madeira.............28,522 62,900 67,367 130,267 Porto Santo......... 435 874 874 1,748 132,015 No. of Persons who can read and write. Males Females Total Madeira..............................4,454 4,286 8,740 Porto Santo.......................... 77 34 111 8,851 No. of Persons who can read but not write.

A complete exhibit is presented in the accompanying report of the postmaster-General of the operations of the Post-Office Department during the year. The ordinary postal revenues for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1873, amounted to $22,996,741.57, and the expenditures of all kinds to $29,084,945.67.

Out of 67 horses and mules, with which we commenced crossing the Sierra, only 33 reached the valley of the Sacramento, and they only in a condition to be led along. In concluding this chapter it should not be overlooked that on his maps of the expedition of 1843-44 Frémont called the mountain lake he had discovered "Lake Bonpland."

For pensions 16,285,261.98 53,714,738.02 For military establishment, including fortifications, river and harbor improvements, and arsenals 13,512,204.33 26,487,795.67 For naval establishment, including vessels and machinery, and improvements at navy-yards 4,199,299.69 12,300,700.31 For expenditures on account of the District of Columbia 1,138,836.41 2,611,163.59

The long summer days of the polar regions afford a very brief, but a comparatively exalted summer heat. It is, however, only the barley which ventures so far north: the limit of rye is 67 degrees, of oats, 65 degrees, of wheat, 64 degrees, on the west side of the peninsula, and from 1 to 2 degrees less on the east.

Sixteen years ago, we have seen these Heights in other tenancy: Austrian field-music and displayed banners coming down; a thousand and a thousand Austrian watch-fires blazing out yonder, in the silent June night, eve of such a Day! Baireuth Dragoons and their No. 67; you will find the Baireuth Dragoons still here in a sense, but also in a sense not.

Dio. iii. 67, states that it was he who commenced it. See Plin. H. N. xxxvi. The Rutulians, a nation very wealthy, considering the country and age they lived in, were at that time in possession of Ardea.

'The magistrate's principal office is to procure and preserve peace and public tranquillity. And he never can do this more happily' than by promoting religion, extirpating idolatry, and defending the Church.... For 'the care of religion belongs, not to the magistrate simply, but 'to the pious magistrate. See page 67 and note. 'Works, i. 8, 194. 'Works, ii. 221, 222.