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Total ordinary expenditures 290,926,473.83 Leaving a surplus of 57,603,396.09 As compared with the preceding fiscal year, there was a net decrease of over $21,000,000 in the amount of expenditures. The aggregate receipts were less than those of the year previous by about $54,000,000.

Other ships of more than 2,000 tons which were lost in August, 1916, were: British: Tottenham, 3,106 tons; Favonian, 3,049 tons; Mount Coniston, 3,018 tons; Aaro, 2,603 tons; Trident, 3,129 tons; San Bernardo, 3,803 tons; Antiope, 2,793 tons; Whitgift, 4,397 tons; Britannic, 3,487 tons; Heighington, 2,800 tons; and Newburn, 3,554 tons.

The lady of the Sonnets, if we take them literally, could have borne no such high position as Lady Rich: she seems to have been neither remarkably beautiful and high-bred, nor virtuous, and was evidently a married woman of no reputation. It is impossible to bring up separately, in a single article, the items contained in a volume of 603 pages, so we must be content to leave Mr.

Total ordinary expenditures 290,926,473.83 Leaving a surplus of 57,603,396.09 As compared with the preceding fiscal year, there was a net decrease of over $21,000,000 in the amount of expenditures. The aggregate receipts were less than those of the year previous by about $54,000,000.

When, at the end of nine days, the speaker was going to put the question, Sir Thurloe, 603, 609, 610, 615, 617. Clar. Pap. iii. 424, 426, 429. They were acknowledged, indeed, as a house of parliament for the present; but there was no admission of their claim of the peerage, or of a negative voice, or of a right to sit in subsequent parliaments.

*Early Japanese history furnishes several examples showing that wives often accompanied their husbands on campaigns. These things happened in the year 603, and for the next five years all relations with Korea seem to have been severed. Then a brief paragraph in the Chronicles records that "many persons from Shiragi came to settle in Japan."

Probably the most enlightened woman in all this period was the nun Florentina, sister of Bishop Leander of Seville, who was far-famed for her good works. At the time of her death in 603, she had risen to such distinction on account of her character and her ability that she was made the general director of a system of over forty convents, which were under her continual inspection and control.

These Mounts Doerfel and Leibnitz arose in the midst of plains of moderate extent, bounded by an indefinite succession of amphitheatres and circular ramparts. These two chains are the only ones which are met with in the region of amphitheatres. Relatively they are not very broken, and only throw out here and there some sharp peaks, the highest of which measures 7,603 metres.

Report on the Diplomatic Archives of the Department of State, 1904, p. 64. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 603. Barlow's interview with Bassano, and the letters exchanged, will be found in American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 602-603. Russell's denial is on p. 614.

Women act as notaries public. 95 women in ministry, 16 dentists, 35 journalists, 23 lawyers, 134 doctors, 11 professors, 10 saloon keepers, 15 commercial travellers, 12 carpenters, etc. Nevada POPULATION: Male 25,603; female 16,732. HUSBAND AND WIFE: Wife controls own earnings.