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However, if the regiment does go to Ireland as is likely enough I suppose we must manage to spare you." It was indeed soon known that the 58th were, in the first place, to be disembarked at Cork and, one day, Mr. Bale came into the office. "I have just seen your friend Lockett, Bob; I mean the younger one. He commands the Antelope now, you know.

A movement for the federal protection of migratory game birds was proposed to Congress by George Shiras, 3rd, who as a member of the House in the 58th Congress introduced a bill to secure that end. An excellent brief on that subject by Mr. Shiras appeared in the printed hearing on the McLean bill, held on March 6, 1912, page 18.

A heavy column of French advanced against a ruined wall, behind which the 58th were lying. The wall was of considerable length, and in many places had fallen and left wide openings. Here the 58th were posted.

The 28th Regiment stationed there opened a heavy fire on the force attacking them in front, but the flanking column, now joined by a third, forced its way in behind the battery. While some attacked it in the rear, the rest penetrated into the ruins held by the 58th. Its colonel wheeled back the left wing of the regiment, and after two or three volleys, fell on the French with the bayonet.

Bale had gleaned, from them, some notion of an idea that Carrie and Mrs. Harcourt had in their heads. Three years later Mr. Bale remarked, as they were driving home: "By the way, Bob, I was glad to see, in the paper today, that the 58th is ordered home." "Is it, sir?" Bob asked, eagerly. "I have not looked at the paper today. I am glad to hear that. I thought it wouldn't be long.

"Beg pardon, sir, but we are out for a deserter from the 58th, Bill Hulish, we 'ave tracked him 'ere, and with the compliments of the commanding hofficer, we'll search the 'ouse." "Search away," I answered, as I heard the outside bath-room door open and close softly. They returned empty-handed, but not greatly disappointed. "Wet night, corporal," I ventured.

"Now Pennsylvania Bucktails, you're making history! Do your durndest!" "Close ranks!" shouted the officer of the 58th. "Close ranks! Forward!" There came a withering volley. The second colour-bearer sank; a third seized the standard. Another officer was down; there were gaps in the ranks and under feet the wounded. The regiment wavered.

At this moment the 23rd came up in support, and the 42nd advanced from the left, and, keeping on the outside of the ruins, cut off the troops which had entered, and after suffering heavy loss they were compelled to surrender. The 28th had remained firmly at the front line of the redoubt, and they and the 58th had hitherto been supporting simultaneously attacks in front, flank, and rear.

"So they do, uncle. Only I keep my respect for Philpot Lane, and it is all liking, here." They spent two more delightful days at Portsmouth; visited some of the ships of war, and the transport in which the 58th was to sail, and went over the dockyard. The next morning, Mr.

Of course, there were some troops that got into a sort of panic the Uhlans are annoying us considerably. The Turcos fought well. We fairly riddled the 58th Prussians their king's regiment, you know. It was the 2d Bavarian Corps that did for us. We will meet them later." "Where are you going to Metz?" inquired Jack, soberly. "Yes; I've a packet for Bazaine I don't know what.