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There is nothing which tends more to excuse, if not to justify, the extreme rigor of the commons towards Charles, than his open encouragement and avowal of such general principles as were altogether incompatible with a limited government. * Parliament. Hist. vol. viii. p. 206. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 585, 594. Parl. Hist. vol. viii. p. 168, 169, 170, etc. Welwood, p. 44. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 65.

Curtis, Life of Webster, i. 585. Curtis, Life of Webster, i. 585. Henry Adams, Life of Gallatin, 59, 60. Wirt, 9. Wirt, 13. This is the passage on which Jefferson, in his extreme old age, made the characteristically inaccurate comment: "His biographer says, 'He read Plutarch every year. I doubt if he ever read a volume of it in his life." Curtis, Life of Webster, i. 585.

Nebuchadnezzar allied with and obedient to the Median king, helping him on the Halys in 585 B.C. to arrange with Lydia a division of the peninsula of Asia Minor on the terms uti possidetis that is the significant situation which will prepare us to find Cyrus not quite half a century later lord of Babylon, Jerusalem and Sardes.

A plan of the bay was made, and the elevation of the neighbouring heights taken; Mount Fairfax proving to be 585 feet, and Wizard Peak 700 feet. I regretted there was not time to visit Moresby's Flat-topped Range, as we might have got a glimpse of the good land reported by Captain Grey in the neighbourhood.

Of this, $300,000,000,000 had been added by the war. During the last years of the contest the annual expenditures of the state were $585,000,000. The population of the island was at this time 13,400,000, from which $360,000,000 was annually collected in taxes. It is important to notice the condition of the people during this epoch.

The temperature at this elevation, between 1 and 3 p.m., varied from 38 degrees to 59 degrees; the mean being 46.5 degrees, with the dew-point 34.6 degrees. The height I made 17,585 feet by barometer, and 17,517 by boiling-point. I tried the pulses of eight, persons after two hours' rest; they varied from 80 to 112, my own being 104.

They knew the causes of eclipses, and, by the aid of their cycle called Saros, could predict them. Their estimate of the value of that cycle, which is more than 6,585 days, was within nineteen and a half minutes of the truth.

This increase reflects chiefly payment of interest on additions to the debt this year. Assuming continuance of present interest rates, the Government's interest bill is now reaching the probable postwar level. An estimated total of 1,585 million dollars of refunds will be paid to individuals and corporations during the fiscal year 1947.

The peers replied that they expected not such a frivolous objection from the gravity of the house; and that it was not material, whether the amendments were written on parchment or on paper, nor whether the paper were white, black, or brown. * D'Ewes, p. 525, 527. Townsend, p. 79. D'Ewes, p. 539, 540, 580, 585. Townsend, p. 93, 94, 95. * D'Ewes. p, 576, 577. D'Ewes, p, 570, 573. * D'Ewes, p. 547.

MS. Archives at Brussels. State Papers, Vol. VII. pp. 584, 585. Ibid. This is Cromwell's paraphrase. Francis is not responsible for the language. State Papers, Vol. VII. pp. 584-590. See the long and curious correspondence between the English and Spanish courts in the State Papers, Vol. State Papers, Vol. VII. pp. 587, 588. Ibid. p. 587.