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To them may be added miscellaneous amercements, for trespasses of divers kinds." 1 Maddox' History of the Exchequer, 542. Coke, in his exposition of the words legem terrae, gives quite in detail the principles of the common law governing arrests, and takes it for granted that the words "nisi per legem terre" are applicable to arrests, as well as to the indictment, &c. 2 inst., 51, 52.

The old opposition of manners, laws, and interest was now inflamed by religious antipathy; and the subduing and civilizing of that country seemed to become every day more difficult and more impracticable. * Camden, p. 457. Memoirs of the Sidneys, vol. i. p. 86. * Cox, p. 342. Sidney, vol. i. p. 85, 200. Camden, p. 542. Sidney, vol. i. p. 65, 109, 183, 184. v Camden, p. 385, 391. 305

L. G. Tyler, Letters and Times of the Tylers, i. 56; Wirt, 65. Mem. by Jefferson, Hist. Mag. for 1867, 91. Campbell, Hist. Va. 542. The subject of the Virginia resolutions presents several difficulties which I have not thought it best to discuss in the text, where I have given merely the results of my own rather careful and repeated study of the question.

Between the hole, and the outside of the leaf of the table, there were forty grains of the wood." The teredo, so destructive to shipping, has been carried by the vessels whose wooden walls it mines to almost every part of the globe. See Quatrefaces, Souvenirs d'un naturaliste, ii., pp. 400, 542, 543. The white ant has lately appeared at St.

The most important of them was that of Badon, by some supposed to be Bath, by others Berkshire. This was the last of his battles with the Saxons, and checked their progress so effectually, that Arthur experienced no more annoyance from them, and reigned in peace, until the revolt of his nephew Modred, twenty years later, which led to the fatal battle of Camlan, in Cornwall, in 542.

But whoever will take the trouble of casting up the several particulars, will find that the total is but 29,818; so that the error is 12,542. What certainty then can there be in the Bible for any thing? Paine includes the long list of numbers from the Bible of all the children listed and the total thereof.

Ep. 83. p. 84. Sarravii. Ep. 1743. p. 746. Ep. 1745. p. 746. Ep. 1757. p. 749. Ep. 1753. p. 748. Tom. 2. p. 298. Ep. 532. p. 912. Ep. 542. p. 918. XII. When the news of Grotius's recall was known at Paris, it was publicly said that he was going to Sweden to complain of his collegue.

The festival in honour of Ceres, the goddess who protected the plebeian order, must have been but little, if at all, later than the plebeian games. On the suggestion of the Sibylline and Marcian prophecies, moreover, a fourth festival was added in 542 in honour of Apollo, and a fifth in 550 in honour of the "Great Mother" recently transplanted from Phrygia to Rome.

Reginald Scot, Discoverie of Witchcraft, 542, says of this trial, "In the meane time let anie man with good consideration peruse that booke published by W. W. and it shall suffice to satisfie him in all that may be required.... See whether the witnesses be not single, of what credit, sex, and age they are; namelie lewd miserable and envious poore people; most of them which speake to anie purpose being old women and children of the age of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 yeares."