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Lamb 18 minutes per pound Mutton 20 minutes per pound Veal 30 minutes per pound Chicken, 4lb about 2 hours, or 20 minutes per pound Turkey, 10lb about 3-1/2 hours, or 20 minutes per pound Goose, 8lb about 2 hours, or 15 minutes per pound Duck 40 to 60 minutes per pound

Barrett says there's a new hunter coming out. It could win the Cesarewitch with 8st. 4lb., but they mean keeping his hunter's certificate. Put a bit on." "Wait till we see." "Lord! If I could get the mater to part only a pony I'd buy a satchel and start bookmaking in the half-crown ring myself. It's Tom Tiddler's ground if you've got a nut on you." "Queer work for a 'Varsity man?"

The coverlet is gently cast on one side for a moment, and I ask that it may quickly be placed back again. It is the last one sent to "Babies' Castle." I am wondering still if this poor little mite can live. It is five months old. It weighs 4lb. 1oz. Such was the little one when I was at "Babies' Castle."

My mother even saw an old woman buy 1/4oz. of tea and pay 11/2d. for it, and another woman buy 1/4lb. of meat. We kept three maids. The cook got 8 pounds a year, the housemaid 7 pounds, and the nursemaid 6 pounds, paid half-yearly, but the summer half-year was much better paid than the winter, because there was the outwork in the fields, weeding and hoeing turnips and potatoes, and haymaking.

Five years ago deceased applied to the parish for aid. The relieving officer gave him a 4lb. loaf, and told him if he came again he should "get the stones." That disgusted deceased, and he would have nothing to do with them since. They got worse and worse until last Friday week, when they had not even a half-penny to buy a candle.

The price of wheat in the month of December, 1816, was 21s. per 70lbs., while the quartern loaf of 4lb. 5oz. cost 1s. 6.75d. The penny loaf only weighed 3oz. 1.25 dr. To the credit of the working classes in Liverpool, the utmost patience and forbearance was exhibited under intense sufferings.

By Command of His Excellency the Governor, ALEXANDER M'LEAY. List of Articles delivered from His Majesty's Stores, in charge of D. A. C. Goodsir, to Captain Sturt, viz. Pack thread. 10 Forks. 24 Needles. 10 Spoons. 1/4lb. Bristles. 2 Frying-pans. 7lbs. Leather. 2 Tinder-boxes. 1/2lb. P.S. l Tarpaulin. Large Fish-hook. 1 Tin tea-kettle. 1 Camp kettle. Pitch and oil. Hemp or twine. Flocks.