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A Divisional Football Cup was given by the G.O.C., which was competed for by all units of the 48th Division under Association rules. We were beaten in the first round by the 5th Gloucesters, who scored the winning goal just on time, after an exciting game, in which Sergt. Hedges distinguished himself. Thus the first winter passed in the normal alternations of trench welfare.

Unable to do anything further as a gunner, I hopped into the charge with the 48th Highlanders of Toronto, who had just started with one of their old-time yells to go out and over. When we reached the German front lines, or what was left of them, for the explosion had blown from them all semblance of a trench, it was jammed full of German troops dead.

I was sorry to have to tell him that the 48th were to "hold on to the last, and if ammunition gave out to use the bayonet, to hold the redoubts to the end. If the Germans broke through to drive them out with the bayonet." Orders were issued that the wounded were to get first aid, but were not to be carried out. We needed every rifle and man, and could no longer spare stretcher bearers.

If you are clever in repartee, if you say a good thing, manage if possible, in making others laugh, to abstain from it yourself. 48th. Wherein wherein you reprove Another be unblameable yourself; for example is is more prevalent than Precepts Hawkins iii. 8.

One man in our battalion wanted to join, but when it was pointed out to him that according to the statistics of the war his chances of being killed in a Highland Battalion were much better than in a flying squadron, he decided to stay with the 48th. Towards Christmas we received an invitation to go to Glasgow and play football against one of the Glasgow battalions.

Everybody knew that there was no chance of a row, and that the very presence of all the Queen's horses and all the Queen's men would make it certain that a blank would be drawn. The whole military plan of campaign had been well imagined. While the 48th came on from Tipperary the 9th came on also by rail from Limerick, together with a half battery of the Royal Artillery.

Lieutenants Taylor and Langmuir were both busy at their sections. Langmuir was one of the "finds" of the 48th. He joined us at Long Branch by coaxing me very hard to give him a commission. I hesitated on account of his youth, but finally consented because I recognized a gleam in his hazel eyes that told me that if the occasion arose he would be a man of high courage.

Moreover, the choice of this building was an attention on the part of M. Louis Bonaparte, who having in 1848 taken the place of General Cavaignac in power; wished that in 1851 General Cavaignac should take his place in prison. "Turn and turn about!" Morny had said, smiling. The prisoners were guarded by the 48th of the Line, who formed the garrison at Ham. The old Bastilles are quite impartial.

Instructions for the Toronto Corps to go into training at Long Branch were also given and I was instructed that whilst at Long Branch I would have to officiate as Brigadier. On the 17th of August the 48th Highlanders paraded at the Armories and, headed by the pipers playing "We will take the High Road," they marched to the Union Station and entrained for Long Branch Camp.

In the midst, upon his knees beside the flame, was Mike, disputing, detailing, guessing, and occasionally inventing, all his arguments only tending to one view of the late victory: "That it was the Lord's mercy the most of the 48th was Irish, or we wouldn't be sitting there now!" Despite Mr.