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Finally, Professor Barnard, directly measuring with the Yerkes refractor the minute discs presented by the original quartette, obtained the following authentic data concerning them: Diameter of Ceres, 477 miles, albedo = 0·18; diameter of Pallas, 304 miles, albedo = 0·23; diameter of Vesta, 239 miles, albedo = 0·74; diameter of Juno, 120 miles, albedo = 0·45.

Soc., vols. vi., p. 228; ix., p. 109; Astr. and Astroph., vol. xiii., p. 752; Astroph. Spettr. Brit. Astr. Pac. Astr. Not., vol. xxxviii., p. 41; Mem. Roy. Astr. Jour., No. 384; Publ. Astr. Pac. Soc., vol. vi., p. 109. Cf. Wentworth Erck's remarks in Trans. Roy. Pac. Astr. I am indebted to Dr. B. 15; Newcomb, Astr. Jour., No. 477; Backlund, Bull. Astr., t. xvii., p. 81; Parmentier, Bull. Soc.

If the expenditures of the remaining two-thirds of the year do not exceed the proportion for these four months, there will remain unexpended at the end of the year $477,359.30 of the current appropriations. The report of the Secretary shows the gratifying fact that among all the disbursing officers of the Pay Corps of the Navy there is not one who is a defaulter to the extent of a single dollar.

The banquet described took place in the house of the tragic poet Agathon. Agathon was born about 477 B.C., of a rich and eminent Athenian family. He was remarkable for personal accomplishments rather than for high literary genius.

He would not have held a language so opposite to Christianity, at, or after the time of his dispute with Rivetus. Ep. 477. p. 890. Ep. 480. p. 891. & 482. p. 891. Ep. 485. p. 892. Ep. 445. p. 895. 507. p. 901. 511. p. 902. & 514. p. 904. Ep 61. p. 276. & 89. p. 415.

Genseric lived to a good old age, and when he died, in 477, all the countries he had conquered during his life still remained parts of the Vandal dominions. The Ostrogoths, or East Goths, who had settled in Southern Russia, at length pushed southward and westward to the mouth of the Danube.

Such an appeal, addressed to Osiris in the presence of Isis, from the son born under such remarkable circumstances was, the Egyptian thought, certain of acceptance; and the offspring of a father, after the death of whose body he was begotten, was naturally the best advocate for the deceased. Mus., No. 10,477, sheet 18. Lepsius published so far back as 1842. The text begins:

Those of the two former kinds become more and more not men, but the two latter kinds become men as they recede from those errors, 432. Reasonings of adulterers, 500. Every unclean principle of hell is from adulterers, 500, 477. Whoever is in spiritual adultery is also in natural adultery, 520. ADULTERERS from a deliberate principle and from a non-deliberate principle, 432.

In 477 Hsiao Tao-ch'eng finally had the emperor killed by an accomplice, the son of a shamaness; he set a boy on the throne and made himself regent. Once more the remaining followers of the deposed dynasty fled northward to the Toba, and at once fighting between Toba and the south began again.

If the expenditures of the remaining two-thirds of the year do not exceed the proportion for these four months, there will remain unexpended at the end of the year $477,359.30 of the current appropriations. The report of the Secretary shows the gratifying fact that among all the disbursing officers of the Pay Corps of the Navy there is not one who is a defaulter to the extent of a single dollar.