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"Plant-lore Legends and Lyrics," p. 486. Mr. Conway, Fraser's Magazine, 1870, p. 593. Mr. Conway, Fraser's Magazine, 1870, p. 107. "Plant-lore Legends and Lyrics," p. 411. Folkard's "Plant-lore Legends and Lyrics," p. 448. See Friend's "Flower-lore," i. 68. Thorpe's "Northern Mythology," ii. 104. "Mystic Trees and Flowers," Fraser's Magazine.

When the Spartans, in 448, restored to the Delphians the guardianship of the temple and treasures of Delphi, of which they had been deprived by the Phocians, the Athenians immediately after marched an army thither and reinstated the latter. Three years later an insurrection broke out in the tributary Megara and Euboea, and the Spartans again appeared in the field as the allies of the insurgents.

The total mileage of railways in the United States in 1860 was 30,626. In 1890 it was 167,741, an increase of 448 per cent; and it is estimated that there will be about 4,000 miles of track added by the close of the year 1892.

In the example given in Figs. 448 and 449 the upper part of the neck has been modified in such a way as to accommodate a curious, medallion-like relievo of the human face, while in Figs. 450 and 451 the neck is replaced by grotesque heads, the latter being intended apparently for an owl. These potters dealt with the human figure in a very bold manner for savages.

They arise from various local and personal peculiarities that, as a rule, have nothing to do with totemism, and they become more prominent and important as the latter declines. +448+. The origin of clan totemic names is closely connected with the origin of the totemic organization, and will be more conveniently considered in connection with this point.

Taylor's Reynolds, ii. 448. See ante, p. 348. The Chancellor had not, it should seem, asked the King. See ante, p. 350, note. The custom had been discontinued at Chatsworth before my recollection, and so far as I am aware is now only kept-up at Wentworth, Lord Fitzwilliam's house in Yorkshire, where a few public dinners are still given annually.

Virginia, its neighbour State, has 448,000 the total number in the Union being 2,487,000. "I have found throughout my tour, what all English travellers must find that slavery is a question which it is better not to go out of one's way to discuss.

Simple in form, they imposed an initiation fee of hardly less than $2.50 or more than $5.00, a monthly fee of about 50 cents, and gave sick dues ranging from $1.50 to $5.00 a month, with guarantee of payment of one's funeral expenses and subsequent help to the widow. By 1838 there were in Philadelphia alone 100 such groups with 7,448 members.

And I would have inquired, if I had had the muskets; but, in the circumstances, he seemed better fixed to conduct the investigations than I was. One Monday, near the time of our visit to St. Louis, the 'Globe- Democrat' came out with a couple of pages of Sunday statistics, whereby it appeared that 119,448 St.

Wherefore fly to me: you will either relieve me from all annoyance or will share it. My letter is all the shorter because, as I hope, I shall be able in a very short time to talk over what I want to say face to face. Take care of your health. Eur. Androm. 448. Eur. Phœn. 393. Statius arrived at my house on the 25th October.