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In that rugged but munificent profession at whose outward gates he then proceeded to knock, it was altogether improbable that he would burden himself with much more of its erudition than was really necessary for a successful general practice in Virginia in his time, or that he would permanently content himself with less. Randall, Life of Jefferson, i. 20. Works of John Adams, ii. 396.

"Bears 585, beaver 1,080, ermines 130, fishers 195, red foxes 362, cross foxes 78, silver and black foxes 6, lynxes 418, martens 1,078, minks 384, muskrats 900, porcupines 19, otters 194, wolves 112, wolverines 24, wood buffaloes 99, moose 396, caribou 196, jumping deer 72, wapiti 156, mountain sheep 60, mountain goats 29; and rabbits, approximately 8,000, wild fowl, approximately 23,800, and fish approximately 36,000.

Thrale on Foote's death: 'Now, will any of his contemporaries bewail him? Will Genius change his sex to weep? Piozzi Letters, i. 396. 'Genius of Britain! to thy office true, On Cox-Heath reared the waving banners view. In martial vest By Venus and the Graces drest, To yonder tent, who leads the way? Art thou Britannia's Genius? say. Ode, p. 8.

However, Bessemer's own progress was substantial, for his Sheffield works were reported as being in active operation in April 1859, and a price for his engineers' tool and spindle steel was included in the Mining Journal "Mining Market" weekly quotations for the first time on June 4, 1859. Swank, op. cit. The Engineer, 1859, vol. 7, p. 350. Mining Journal, 1859, vol. 29, pp. 396 and 401.

Again, in 396, Stilicho penned Alaric in the Peloponnesus, but for some unknown reason allowed him to escape into Illyricum. The Gothic chief had, however, struck deadly terror into the Eastern Empire; and by way of pacifying him Arcadius made him Master-General of Illyricum. He spared her art treasures, and acted with great moderation and humanity.

Laud, Archbishop, 6. Law, William, mysticism, 396. Lawrence, Mass., allusion, 44. Lecturing, given up, 295. Leibnitz, 386. Leroux, Pierre, preexistance, 391. Letters, inspiration, 289. Lincoln, Abraham, character, 307. Linnaeus, illustration, 323, 324. Litanies, in Emerson, 314. Literature: aptitude for, 2, 3; activity in 1820, 147. Little Classics, edition, 347.

Dashte Kipzak, or the plain of Kipzak, extended on both sides of the Volga, towards the Jaik or Ural, and the Borysthenes or Dnieper, and is supposed to have given name to the Cosacs. Gibb. As reported by Gibbon, from Matthew Paris, p. 396, forty or fifty herrings were sold for a shilling.

About 396 the nearest Etruscan towns, Tarquinii, Caere, and Falerii, attempted to revolt against the Roman encroachments, and the deep exasperation which these had aroused in Etruria was shown by the slaughter of the whole of the Roman prisoners taken in the first campaign, three hundred and seven in number, in the market-place of Tarquinii; but it was the exasperation of impotence.

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States: I transmit to Congress an account of the contingent expenses of the Government for the year 1811, incurred on the occasion of taking possession of the territory limited eastwardly by the river Perdido, and amounting to $3,396. WASHINGTON, January 16, 1812.

The total number of men at this time in the naval service, including officers, is about 51,000. There have been captured by the Navy during the year 324 vessels, and the whole number of naval captures since hostilities commenced is 1,379, of which 267 are steamers. The gross proceeds arising from the sale of condemned prize property thus far reported amount to $14,396,250.51.