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See ante, p. 78, note 5. It was here that Lord Auchinleck called him Ursa Major. Ante, p. 384. See ante, iii. 266, and v. 20, where 'Mr. Crosbie said that the English are better animals than the Scots. When he was told of a caricature 'of the nine muses flogging him round Parnassus, he said, 'Sir, I am very glad to hear this.

While sometimes present in healthy people, it is most often seen in idiots and the insane, and is a symptom of diabetes mellitus. Mortimer mentions a boy of twelve who, while laboring under this affliction, in six days devoured food to the extent of 384 pounds and two ounces.

Thirty-two dozen would make 384 biscuits; and, now that I had eaten eight of them, there remained exactly 376; which, at the rate of two per diem, would last for 188 days. True, 188 days would be a little over six months, but as I had not a clear confidence about the length of the voyage being only six months, I perceived that I must go on short rations, of less than two biscuits a day.

Ten years later, there were 1,863, or 89 less children to every thousand women than in 1830. In 1850, this number had declined to 1,720; in 1860, to 1,666; and in 1870, to 1,568. The total decline in the forty years was 384, or about 20 per cent of the whole proportional number in 1830, a generation ago.

Annals of Congress, 1809-10, pp. 754, 755. Ibid., pp. 606, 607. Annals of Congress, 1810, p. 2582. For Armstrong's letter and the text of the Decree, see American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 384. Armstrong to Champagny, March 10, 1810. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 382. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 362. Ibid., p. 385. Ibid.

When Macedon proved indisputably stronger than Athens Isocrates urged Philip to accept the leadership of Greece against the barbarian and against barbarism. He might thus both unite the Greek cities and also evangelize the world. Lysias, the democratic and anti-Spartan orator, had been groping for a similar solution as early as 384 B. C., and was prepared to make an even sharper sacrifice for it.

Here, then, is the mathematical formula, which is known as Bode's Law: Write from left to right a row of 4's and under these, beginning with the second 4, place a geometrical series beginning with 3 and increasing by the ratio of 2; add the two columns together, and we have a series running 4, 7, 10, etc.; and this row of results has an astonishing coincidence, or approximate coincidence with the relative distances of the planets from the sun thus: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 4 7 10 16 28 52 100 196 388

Our Harold, fighting manfully yet vainly against an irresistible tendency, has his counterpart in the last defender of the ancient liberties of Greece. Demosthenes was born in 384 of a well-to-do business man who died eight years later. The guardians whom he appointed appropriated the estate, leaving Demosthenes and his sister in straitened circumstances.

It was about a 14-foot dory no smaller one in the flotilla. The skipper of the 396 looked down at him. "What you want?" The bluejacket removed the cigarette from his lips. "I'm from the 384, sir." "Yes, yes, but what do you want?" "I've come, sir" he waved his cigarette-stub airily "to take off the survivors. The captain thought I might be able to make one load of 'em."

Pierce, John: the minister of Brookline, 11; "our clerical Pepys," 12. Pindar, odes, 253. Plagiarism, 205, 206, 287, 288, 384.