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And as for the Londoners who fought and won, let us remember that they came from this part of the modern City from Thames Street. The town was walled between the years 350 and 369. The building of the Roman wall has determined down to these days the circuit of the City. Now, here a very curious and suggestive point has been raised.

In the Punjab Province, which lies in the north, out of a total of 12,369,000 women and girls only 42,000 can read and write and at least 50 per cent of them are under 12 years of age. The total number of girls now attending school in India is only 446,282 out of a total population of 144,409,000 women, but even this small number shows most encouraging improvement during the last ten years.

Also Miss F. C. Prideaux in same volume, pp. 369 sq. and discussion, pp. 15 sq. "Continued Care of Families," Frances A. Smith in Proceedings of Twenty-second National Conference of Charities, pp. 87 sq. "Friendly Visiting as a Social Force," Charles F. Weller in Proceedings of Twenty-fourth National Conference of Charities, pp. 199 sq.

In Italy, on July 31, 1921, there were under arms 351,076 soldiers and 18,138 officers, in all 369,214, of which, however, 56,529 were carabineers carrying out duties almost exclusively of public order. Under the pressure and as a result of the example of the States which have come through the War, those States which did not take part have also largely augmented their armies.

Forty-four persons were murdered, 369 dwellings consumed, 261 pillaged, and 172,000 head of live-stock carried off into Kafirland and irretrievably lost; and what aggravated the wickedness of the invasion was the fact that during a great part of the year the Governor had been engaged in special negotiations for a new and to the Kafirs most advantageous system of relations, with which all the chiefs except one had expressed themselves satisfied.

Financial operations of this kind are, however, I imagine, necessary for all Governments to meet current expenses. To briefly recapitulate Japan's indebtedness and borrowings generally up to the end of March, 1905, these amounted to, in all, £140,045,030, of which sum £38,187,369 has from time to time been paid off, leaving a balance of £101,857,661 owing by the nation.

Here there were peculiar reasons, as we shall see. Corr., ii. 356. Ib., ii. 358, 369, etc.

IMPERIUM: so Verg. Georg. 1, 99 exercetque frequens tellurem atque imperat agris; ib. 2, 369 dura exerce imperia et ramos compesce fluentes; Tac. Germ. 26 sola terrae seges imperatur. SED ALIAS ... FAENORE: put for sed semper cum faenore, alias minore, plerumque maiore.

The largest number of northern soldiers in actual service at anyone time was 1,000,516, on May 1, 1865, 650,000 of them being able for duty. The largest number of Confederate land forces in service at any time was 690,000, on January 1, 1863. The Union armies lost by death 304,369 44,238 of these being killed in battle, 49,205 dying of wounds.

Italian eunuchs, 156. JAMES, the Apostle, represented charity, 119. JEALOUSY, concerning, 357-379. The zeal of conjugial love is called jealousy, 367. Jealousy is like a burning fire against those who infest love exercised towards a married partner, and it is a horrid fear for the loss of that love, 368. There is a spiritual jealousy with monogamists, and natural with polygamists, 369, 370.