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There were crystal miners from Titan, farmers from Venus, Mars, and Earth, prospectors from the New Sahara desert of Mars, engineers from the atmosphere booster stations on Ganymede, and just plain citizens who wanted a new life on the distant satellite of Wolf 359. All had gathered for the great mass flight into space.

A second factor is the psychic nature of human beings and the psychical interaction that goes on between individuals within the group and that produces reactions between groups. 359. =The Natural Environment.= The early sociologists put the emphasis on the physical more than the psychic factors, and especially on biological analogies in society.

At night Morgan's brigade halted at Tiptonville, and found shelter from the rain in an abandoned camp. The pickets of the brigade gathered in 359 prisoners in the night.

Scholarship: a priesthood, 137; docility of, 289. School-teaching, 297. Schopenhauer, Arthur: his pessimism, 286; idea of a philosopher, 359. Science: growth of, 148; Emerson inaccurate in, 256; attitude toward, 401, 402. Scipio, 184. Scotland: Carlyle's haunts, 79; notabilities, 195, 196; Presbyterian, 409.

In his report General French set forth that the three days' fighting had cost the British 190 officers and 2,337 other ranks killed; 359 officers and 8,174 other ranks wounded, and 23 officers and 1,728 other ranks missing. He claimed German losses of over 12,000.

J. W. Garner, Introduction to Political Science, chaps, IX, X. Edmond Kelly, Evolution and Effort. Lawlessness: Atlantic Monthly, vol. 109, p. 441. Outlook, vol. 98, p. 12; vol. 99, p. 901; vol. 100, p. 359. J. G. Brooks, American Syndicalism. All men, our Declaration of Independence tells us, are created free and equal-that is, with a right to freedom and equality.

But the peasants had, in spite of all, the upper hand; by a roll-call vote 359 against 314 pronounced themselves for the defense without reserve of the Constituent Assembly. Any work in common for the future was impossible.

Home Hits and Hints. By William T. Coggeshall. New York. Redfield. 12mo. pp. 401. $1.00. Pictures of Country Life. By Alice Cary. New York. Derby & Jackson. 12mo. pp. 359. $1.00. The Methodist; or Incidents and Characters from Life in the Baltimore Conference. By Miriam Fletcher. With an Introduction by W.P. Strickland, D.D. 2 vols. New York. Derby & Jackson. 12mo. $2.00.

By M. D. Hill. The Repression of Crime, pp. 358, 359.

Vallet's "Charles VII.," iii. chap. i. But see the chronicle that bears Jaquet's name; a lean and dreary book. Monstrelet. D'Héricault's "Memoir," xl. xli.; Vallet, "Charles VII.," ii. 435. Champollion-Figeac, p. 368. Works, i. 115. D'Héricault's "Memoir," xlv. Champollion-Figeac, pp. 361, 381. Ibid., pp. 359, 361. Lecoy de la Marche, "Roi René," ii. 155, 177.