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He several times confesses this as regards Lucullus and Catulus in the Academica, and as regards Antonius in the De Oratore. FERAT: subjunctive because embodying the sentiment of Laelius and Scipio. Roby, 1744; Madvig, 357; H. 516, II. SUIS LIBRIS etc.: for the allusions here to Cato's life, works, and opinions see Introd.

It is probable, that the English meant the COMMON LAW, as it prevailed during the reign of Edward; which we may conjecture to have been more indulgent to liberty than the Norman institutions. The most material articles of it were afterwards comprehended in Magna Charta. Ingulf, p. 70. H. Hunt. p. 370, 372. M. West. p. 225. Gul. Neub. p. 357. Alured. Beverl. p. 124. De Gest. Angl. p. 333.

After deducting factor's commissions of from 2-1/2 to 5 per cent. on all sales and purchases, and of "4 in 104" on the slave sales as the captain's allowance, after providing for insurance at four per cent. on ship and cargo for each leg of the voyage, and for leakage of ten per cent. of the rum and five per cent. of the molasses, and after charging off the whole cost of the ship's outfit and one-third of her original value, there remained the sum of £357, 8s. 2d. as the expected profits of the voyage.

Nor does the custom seem to have originated in the earliest periods; it was rather a creation of quasi-scientific reflection, the demand for definite historical organization, and it appears first in relatively late literary monuments. +357+. Still later arose the worship of these ancestral founders.

The awakening of the nations of Europe from the dark ages is a still more perplexing problem. At that early period, as Mr. 'Hereditary Genius, 1870, pp. 357- 359. The Rev. During this same period the Holy Inquisition selected with extreme care the freest and boldest men in order to burn or imprison them.

The estimated expenditures during the remaining three quarters to June 30, 1859, are $52,357,698.48, making an aggregate of $74,065,896.99, being an excess of expenditure beyond the estimated receipts into the Treasury from ordinary sources during the fiscal year to the 30th of June, 1859, of $3,936,701.43.

New York gained six representatives; Pennsylvania, four; California and Oklahoma, three each; Illinois, Massachusetts, Washington, and Texas each gained two, and sixteen other States each gained one. The number of farms, according to the thirteenth census, were 6,340,357 or an increase of about 10 per cent over the number reported in 1900.

See ante, ii. 357, iii. 309, and post, March 23, 1783. 'Sir Joshua once asked Lord B to dine with Dr. Johnson and the rest, but though a man of rank and also of good information, he seemed as much alarmed at the idea as if you had tried to force him into one of the cages at Exeter-Change. Hazlitt's Conversations of Northcote, p. 41. Yet when he came across them he met with much respect.

Thinking it now safe to declare more openly for Arianism, they called a few bishops to Sirmium in the summer of 357, and issued a manifesto of their belief for the time being, to the following general effect. 'We acknowledge one God the Father, also His only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. But two Gods must not be preached.

See ante, ii. 357. 'See nations, slowly wise and meanly just, To buried merit raise the tardy bust. Johnson's Vanity of Human Wishes. He was perhaps, thinking of Markland. Ante, p. 161, note 3. 'Dr. Johnson, writes Mrs. Piozzi, 'was no complainer of ill-usage. I never heard him even lament the disregard shown to Irene. Piozzi Letters, ii. 386. See ante, i. 200.