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Activities based on proposed legislation Total expenditures 67, 229 35, 860 Excess of expenditures 28,620 4,347 The current fiscal year, 1946, is a year of transition. When the year opened, in July 1945, we were still fighting a major war, and Federal expenditures were running at an annual rate of about 100 billion dollars. By June 1946 that rate will be more than cut in half.

"No. 347 light shop moves to Moislains to-morrow. Will undertake quick repairs. Longer jobs will be sent back to Nos. 124 B and 192 F ." A third telegram supplied a reminder that the spiteful Boche still had time to leave devilish traps for the unwary "Advanced guard th Division found small demolition charges in Nissen hut at W 123 b 8.9, and mined dug-out W 129 d 3.2."

He paid a visit to Appleby in Leicestershire and to Ashbourn. Ante, i. 82, 133 note 1. Oxford. July and August, about five weeks. Ante, i. 270, note 5. Oxford. July, length of visit not mentioned. Ante, i. 347. Lichfield. Winter, a visit of five days. Ante, i. 370. In the summer of this year his pension was granted, and he henceforth had the means of travelling. Ante, i. 372.

Assuming, somewhat arbitrarily, that about one-half of the 15-billion-dollar outlay for the fiscal year 1947 is for war liquidation, aggregate expenditures by this Government for the second World War are now estimated at 347 billion dollars through June 30, 1947.

He died in 347, at the age of 81 or 82, and bequeathed his garden to his school. Plato considered him his best scholar, and called him "the intellect of his school." Aristotle spent twenty years at Athens, during the last ten of which he established a school of his own. In 342 he accepted the invitation of Philip of Macedon to undertake the instruction of his son Alexander.

We have scarce any particulars respecting the growth of the School of Athens from this time to the death of Plato, in 347 B.C. We only know generally that his fame as a lecturer became eminent and widely diffused; that among his numerous pupils were included Speusippus, Xenocrates, Aristotle, Demosthenes, Hyperides, Lycurgus, etc.; that he was admired and consulted by Perdiccas in Macedonia, and Dionysius at Syracuse; that he was also visited by listeners and pupils from all parts of Greece.

The life span of Zeno, the founder of Stoicism, was from B.C. 347 to 275. He did not begin teaching till 315, at the mature age of forty. Aristotle had passed away in 322, and with him closed the great constructive era of Greek thought.

Conjugial chastity, purity, and sanctity, cannot exist with polygamists, n. 346. A polygamist, so long as he remains such, cannot become spiritual, n. 347. Polygamy is not sin with those who live in it from a religious notion, n. 348. Polygamy is not sin with those who are in ignorance respecting the Lord, n. 349, 350.

POLITICS is one of those sciences by which an entrance is made into things rational, which are the ground of rational wisdom, 163. POLYGAMICAL love is the love of the external, or natural man, 345. In this love there is neither chastity, purity, nor sanctify, 346. POLYGAMIST, no, so long as he remain such, is capable of being made spiritual, 347.

To avoid depravity like this, it is not necessary that any one should aspire to heroism or sanctity, but only that he should resolve not to quit the rank which nature assigns him, and wish to maintain the dignity of a human being. No. 184. Permittes ipsis expendere numinibus, quid Conveniat nobis, rebusque sit utile nostris. JUV. Sat. x. 347.