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Louis Times, the Kansas City Post and the Warrensburg Daily Star allowed the women to get out a special suffrage edition. All the hard work of a year and a half was in vain. On Nov. 3, 1914, the woman suffrage amendment went down to defeat with fourteen other amendments on the ballot. More votes were cast on this one than on any other 182,257 ayes; 322,463 noes; lost by 140,206.

On the motion that the Speaker should leave the chair, Mr Ward, Member for Sheffield, proposed the following amendment: "That it is the opinion of this House that any provision to be made for the purposes of the present Bill ought to be taken from the funds already applicable to ecclesiastical purposes in Ireland." After a debate of two nights the amendment was rejected by 322 votes to 148.

Presently the drawl of Mr. Ellis was heard, pleading with a fair and anonymous Central, whom he addressed with that charming impersonality employed toward babies, pet dogs, and telephone girls, as "Tootsie," to abjure juvenility, and give him 322 Vincent, in a hurry. "You'll excuse me, Mr.

Miss Margaret has been described as extremely like her brother Sir Adam in the turn of thought and of humour. See Life, vol. vi. p. 322. Fortune in her Wits, and the Hour of all Men, Quevedo's Works, Edin. 1798, vol. iii. p. 107. Don Quixote, Pt. II. cap. 47. Granby was written by a young man, Thos.

Swedenborg, Emanuel: poetic rank, 202, 320; dreams, 306; Rosetta-Stone, 322; times mentioned, 382. Swedenborgians: liking for a paper of Carlyle's, 78; Reed's essay, 80; spiritual influx, 412. Swift, Jonathan: allusion, 30; the Houyhnhnms, 163; times mentioned, 382. Synagogue, illustration, 169. Tappan, Mrs. Caroline, The Dial, 159. Tartuffe, allusion, 312.

Lead me, my Guide, before the light fades, into the valley of quiet where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom. 322 Things look phantastic in this dimness of the dusk the spires whose bases are lost in the dark and tree tops like blots of ink. I shall wait for the morning and wake up to see thy city in the light.

The unfunded, exclusive of a large civil-list debt, to £4,150,236:3:11 7/8. Both together, to £129,146,322:5:6. According to this account, the whole debt paid off, during eleven years of profound peace, amounted only to £10,415,476:16:9 7/8. Even this small reduction of debt, however, has not been all made from the savings out of the ordinary revenue of the state.

Lonsdale : 96 : 441 : 42,486 : 3,651 : 16,129 : 442 Almondness : 267 : 228 : 60,930 : 3,670 : 15,228 : 415 Leyland : 354 : 126 : 44,583 : 2,858 : 11,182 : 391 West Derby : 409 : 377 : 154,040 : 24,182 : 86,407 : 357 Blackburn : 513 : 286 : 146,608 : 10,814 : 31,463 : 291 Salford : 869 : 373 : 322,592 : 40,143 : 114,941 : 286 Mr Sadler rejoices much over this table.

The values of our domestic exports for the last fiscal year, as compared with those of the previous year, exhibit an increase of $43,646,322. At first view this condition of our trade with foreign nations would seem to present the most flattering hopes of its future prosperity.

The eight acres can well lie neglected; for upon a broader field, as large as humanity, and at the hands of thousands of reapers who worked for love, he has gathered in a great harvest of immortelles. See letter of Thomas Poole, p. 322, Fragmentary Remains of Sir Humphry Davy. Salmonia, p. 5, London, Murray, 1851. Fragmentary Remains, p. 242. Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine.