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After the death of a married partner, again to contract wedlock, depends on the preceding conjugial love, n. 318. After the death of a married partner, again to contract wedlock, depends also on the state of marriage in which the parties had lived, n. 319. With those who have not been in love truly conjugial, there is no obstacle or hindrance to their again contracting wedlock, n. 320.

Augustine said that the world would only last for 7000 years; finds that some other genius had calculated that before the birth of Christ it had existed for 5343 years and 318 days; adds 1501 years from the birth of Christ to his own time; adds up, and finds that the total is 6844 years; subtracts, and discovers that this earthly globe can only last 155 years longer.

There were 1,727 marriages, 7,707 baptisms, and 4,601 burials in Montreal; 653 marriages, 4,045 baptisms, and 2,318 burials in Quebec; and 260 marriages, 1,565 baptisms, and 976 burials in Three Rivers, during the year 1814. The revenue amounted to £204,550 currency, the expenditure to £162,125 sterling; and 184 vessels were cleared at Quebec.

The division took place at ten o'clock, on Saturday morning, February the 5th, 1848, when the former were adopted, by a majority of 318 to 188:

Coxe, View of the United States, p. 346. Reeves, p. 381. Coxe's View, p. 318. American State Papers, Foreign Affairs, vol. i. p. 301. Jefferson added, "These imports consist mostly of articles on which industry has been exhausted," i.e., completed manufactures. The State Papers, Commerce and Navigation, give the tabulated imports and exports for many succeeding years.

In 1846, mails were carried over 4,092 miles of railway, which increased in 1882 to 100,563 miles. The miles of annual transportation of mail by railroad in 1852 amounted to 11,082,768, which increased to 113,995,318 in 1882, with an increase in the number of Railway Mail Service employees from 43 in 1846 to 3,072 in 1882.

At the outbreak of the controversy, about the year 318, we find him in charge of the church of Baucalis at Alexandria, and in high favour with his bishop, Alexander. It was no love of heathenism, but a real difficulty of the gospel which led him to form a new theory. His aim was not to lower the person of the Lord or to refuse him worship, but to defend that worship from the charge of polytheism.

Humble Bee, 46, 74, 75, 128, 272, 326, 331, 338. Initial Love, 170, 387. Latin Translations, 43. May Day, 242; changes, 311, 333. Merlin, 318, 319. Monadnoc, 322, 331; alterations, 366. My Garden, 242. Nature and Life, 242. Occasional and Miscellaneous Pieces, 242. Ode inscribed to W.H. Channing, 211, 212. Poet, The, 317-320, 333. Preface to Nature, 105.

Alarming reports were being received as to the number of ships of twenty-two to thirty-two guns fitting out in American ports, and he mentions as significant that the commission of a privateer officer, taken in a recaptured vessel, bore the number 318.

See ante, ii. 302. Three instances, ante, pp. 160, 320. See ante, ii. 318. An instance is given in Sacheverell's Account of the Isle of Man, ed. 1702, p. 14. Mr. J. T. Clark, the Keeper of the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, obligingly informs me that in the margin of the copy of Boswell's Journal in that Library it is stated that this cause was Wilson versus Maclean. See ante, iv. 74, note 3.