United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

When that contract is out of the way the yard will enter the business of building merchant vessels, just as several yards, which long had their only support from naval contracts, are now doing. There were built in the year ending June 30, 1901, in American yards, 112 vessels of over 1000 tons each, or a total of 311,778. Many of these were lake vessels; some were wooden ships.

* "Shall we say that there is no such thing as truth or error, but that anything is true to a man which he troweth? and not rather, as the solution of a great mystery, that truth there is, and attainable it is, but that its rays stream in upon us through the medium of our moral as well as our intellectual being?" Newman's Grammar of Assent, p. 311.

The banner month was July, when 317,000 American soldiers were safely landed. In September, 311,219 American troops, 4,000 American sailors, and 5,000 Canadians were successfully transported across the Atlantic. The largest single convoy of this month carried to France 31,108, and to England 28,873.

John in the Fall fleet, has been commonly stated as about three thousand souls. The returns of the Commissary general's office in New York show that up to October 12th as many as 3,396 persons connected with the Loyalist regiments had sailed to the River St. John, viz., 1823 men, 563 women, 696 children and 311 servants.

I am grieved that this happened in the same Allgemeine Zeitung where five years ago Dr. Hermann Franck discoursed on my "Tannhauser" in an intelligent, calm, and lucid manner. If it should interest you, please read this article. It is printed in the A.A.Z., No. 311, November 7th, 1845. You can imagine how I must feel when I compare the two articles.

Mag. 1781, p. 282, where it is said to have been written by Don Gabriel, third son of the King of Spain. Though 'you was' is very common in the authors of the last century when one person was addressed, I doubt greatly whether Johnson ever so expressed himself. See ante, i. 311.

Here it may be observed that a ghost's power of making a noise, and exerting what seems to be great physical energy, is often in inverse ratio to his power of making himself generally visible, or, at all events, to his inclination so to do. Thus there is a long record of a haunted house, by the chief observer, Miss Morton, in P. S. P. R., pt. xxii. p. 311.

Heal so quotes Madame d'Allard's account of her, pp. 140, 141. Quoted by M. Girardin, Rev. des Deux Mondes, Sept. 1853, p. 1080. Conf., ix. 304. Ib. ix. 305. Slightly modified version in Corr., i. 377. M. Boiteau's note to Madame d'Epinay, ii. 273. Grimm, to Madame d'Epinay, ii. 305. Conf., ix. 311.

The big thing was that the cheapest car sold for $600 and the most expensive for only $750, and right there came the complete demonstration of what price meant. We sold 8,423 cars nearly five times as many as in our biggest previous year. Our banner week was that of May 15, 1908, when we assembled 311 cars in six working days. It almost swamped our facilities.

Simultaneous order is like a work cohering from the centre to the superficies, 314. Successive order becomes simultaneous in the ultimate, the highest things of successive order become the inmost of simultaneous order, and the lowest things of successive order become the outermost of simultaneous order, 314. Successive order of conjugial love, 305, 311.