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The which lawes, with the executions and judicials thereupon, and the witches confessions, have beguiled almost the whole world." Ibid., 220. Discoverie, 471, 472. Ibid., 512. Ibid., 303. Its handwriting shows it contemporary or nearly so.

Chauncey to the Secretary, Dec. 25, 1812; Jan. 1 and 8, and Feb. 16, 1813. Captains' Letters. See Chauncey's letters of Dec. 1, 1812, and Jan. 20, 1813. Captains' Letters. Chauncey to the Secretary, Jan. 21, Feb. 22, 1813. Captains' Letters. Ridout, "Ten Years in Upper Canada," pp. 52, 58, 115. Niles' Register, vol ii. p. 42. Ibid., p. 119. Ibid., p. 303. Naval Chronicle, vol. xxviii. p. 248.

It was this view, in connection with other influences, which moved Diocletian, near the close of his reign, in 303, to set on foot a systematic persecution of the Christian Church, by a series of extremely severe and well-contrived measures, through which it was designed to extirpate the new religion.

While to dwell in them and seek acquaintance with their wild life was, again, an initiation that no intelligent man could undergo without a certain shifting of personal values hitherto held for permanent and sacred. Simpson knew the first faint indication of this emotion when he held the new.303 rifle in his hands and looked along its pair of faultless, gleaming barrels.

This Emperor, who was of a ferocious character and ill-informed in everything except the military art, continued to work upon his father-in-law, being urged on partly by his own inclination, partly by the instigation of his mother, a most superstitious woman, and partly by that of the pagan priests, till at last, when Diocletian was at Nicomedia, in the year 303, he obtained from him an edict by which the temples of the Christians were to be demolished, their sacred books committed to the flames, and themselves deprived of all their civil rights and honors.

Under the form of statement prior to the financial law of March 14 last there would have been included in the statement of available cash gold coin and bullion held for the redemption of United States notes. If this form were pursued, the cash balance including the present gold reserve of $150,000,000, would be $289,303,794.50. Such balance November 30, 1899, was $296,495,301.55.

The tiny black head of my foresight showed plainly against the wide grey chest of the big brute; I pressed the trigger; and the soft-nosed "303 sped true to the mark.

Thereupon the reorganization committee agreed that if said petition was withdrawn and the sale allowed to proceed on the 16th of February, 1898, they would bid a sum at the sale which would realize to the Government the entire principal of its debt, $6,303,000.

Hanoteau, p. 350-357 Reais Hanoteau, pp. 302, 303 The same sentiment inspires the Touareg songs, among which tribe women enjoy much greater liberty and possess a knowledge of letters greater than that of the men, and know more of that which we should call literature, if that word were not too ambitious: "For God's sake leave those hearts in peace, 'Tis Tosdenni torments them so; She is more graceful than a troop Of antelopes separated from gazelles; More beautiful than snowy flocks, Which move toward the tents, And with the evening shades appear To share the nightly gathering; More beautiful than the striped silks Enwrapped so closely under the haiks, More beautiful than the glossy ebon veil, Enveloped in its paper white, With which the young man decks himself, And which sets off his dusky cheek."

It will be seen that when you come to thousands and tens of thousands, a good deal of wiping out and re-writing may be required. A Burman is very bad at arithmetic; a villager will often write 133 as 100,303; he would almost as soon write 43 as 34; both figures are in each number, you see.