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That they were serviceable to each other, in their defensive alliance against duns, is fully proved by various documents; and I have now before me articles of agreement, dated in 1787, by which Tickell, to avert an execution from the Theatre, bound himself as security for Sheridan in the sum of 250l., the arrears of an annuity charged upon Sheridan's moiety of the property.

Grattan on this occasion introduced the Catholic petition in a speech of consummate power; but both Castlereagh and Canning opposed the reception of the petition, on the ground that the time was unsuited for the agitation of the question; and the spirit of the ruling part of the Ministry was sufficiently shown by the reduction of the Maynooth grant from 13,000l. to 9,250l.

Abednego was first clerk, and your humble servant was second in the office at a salary of 250l. a year. How unfounded were Mr.

At last, just as they were on board, with 250l. paid for their passage, and the goods in which the money for their support had been invested, the captain received a letter warning him that an information was about to be laid against him at the India House for taking out people without permission.

No more holidays, no more advances of money, had I: on the contrary, the private clerkship at 150l. was abolished, and I found myself on my 250l. a year again. Well, what then? it was always a good income, and I did my duty, and laughed at the Director. About this time, in the beginning of 1824, the Jamaica Ginger Beer Company shut up shop exploded, as Gus said, with a bang!

I have mentioned, I believe, that an establishment of two men servants, a gardener, three maids, a family of from four to six in number, and a carriage with two horses, might with great ease be kept in the French provinces on an annual income from 250l. to 300l. per annum. One distinction of French and English visiting I must not omit.

'Will swear to anything that he chooses to say. 'Well, that is your affair, said the doctor. 'Now, said Merton, 'give me a receipt for 750l.; we shall tell the marquis that we had to spring 250l. on his original offer. The doctor wrote out, stamped, and signed the receipt. 'Perhaps I had better walk in front of you down stairs? he asked Merton.

Now, to speak out plainly, this is not true; for I have seen people with a round sum on deposit at the bank, and in one case paying as much as 250l. rent for their farms, living amid almost indescribable filth.

My Lord Sandwich did seal a lease for the house he is now taking in Lincoln's Inn Fields, which stands him in 250l. per annum rent.

They were, however, proved to have been concerned, if not the principal actors, in the following piracies: first, the seizing a Dutch ship in August, 1722, and taking from thence a hundred pieces of Holland, value 800l.; a thousand pieces of eight, value 250l.