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The same story is referred to in Madame de Vandeul's Mém. de Diderot, p. 61. Conf., ix. 245, 246. Grimm to Madame d'Epinay, ii. 259, 269, 313, 326. Conf., x. 17. Mém., ii. 318. Conf., ix. 322. The publication from the autograph originals sets this at rest. For Shakespeare, see Corr. Lit., iv. 143, etc. D'Epinay, ii. 188. D'Epinay, ii. 150. Also Vandeul's Mém. de Diderot, p. 61. Mém. ii. 128.

Commentators have differed as to their magnitude; but the latest calculation gives 315 miles for the diameter of the mouth or crater, and a quarter of a mile for that of its terminating point. In the middle is the abyss, pervading the whole depth, and 245 miles in diameter at the opening; which reduces the different platforms, or territories that surround it, to a size comparatively small.

The earliest brilliant affair seems to have come off when Lord Spencer bought two Caxtons for £245, a feat of which the closing scene is recorded, with a touching simplicity, in these terms: "His Lordship put each volume under his coat, and walked home with them in all the flush of victory and consciousness of triumph."

Their antagonists butchered them in droves, while those who escaped the sword were hurled into the river. Seven Spaniards were killed, and seven thousand rebels. Correspondanee du Duc d'Albe, 158. The same letter is published in Igor, iv. 245, 246.

General Gist, alone of all the American commanders, was able to keep together about 100 men, who, flying across the swamp on their right, through which they could not be pursued by the cavalry, made their escape in a body. The loss of the British troops amounted to 69 killed, 245 wounded, and 11 missing.

In 1810 its total population was 24,520, or an average of one person to one and one-half square miles; in 1820 it contained 147,173 inhabitants, or about four to the square mile; in 1825 the population was about 245,000, or less than seven to the square mile.

She knew that many, jealous her power, had disseminated, far and wide, false reports respecting her conduct. She knew that these, her enemies, would surround Napoleon immediately upon his arrival, and take advantage of her absence to inflame his mind against her. Lyons is 245 miles from Paris.

* Franklyn, p. 245. Parl. Hist. vol. vii. p. 363. Rushworth, vol i. p. 502. The same topics were enforced by Sir Thomas Wentworth. After mentioning projectors and ill ministers of state, "These," said he, "have introduced a privy council, ravishing at once the spheres of all ancient government; destroying all liberty; imprisoning us without bail or bond. They have taken from us What shall I say?

When, for instance, Sir Digby Oakshott, Baronet, on an early day of the term, publicly stated that the chief features of Cromwell's character was a large mouth and a wart on the nose, he was both hurt and annoyed to be ordered peremptorily to remain for an hour after class and write out pages 245 to 252, inclusive, of the School History.

Both Nonpareil and Bon Chretien are in Johnson's Dictionary; Nonpareil, is defined as a kind of apple, and Bon Chretien as a species of pear. See ante, p. 311. See ante, iv. 9. 'Dryden's contemporaries, however they reverenced his genius, left his life unwritten; and nothing therefore can be known beyond what casual mention and uncertain tradition have supplied. Johnson's Works, vii. 245.