United States or Réunion ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We shall see in more notable instances how much Knox's conception of the duty of wives varies according to the zeal and orthodoxy of the husband. Works, iv. 244. Works, iv. 246. IB. iv. 225. Works, iv. 245. IB. iv. 221. As I have said, he may possibly have made the acquaintance of Mrs. Mackgil, Mrs.

Outside of society crime is impossible, therefore society accounts for crime and is also in a measure responsible for it. Large industries find that their by-products are an important asset and to disregard them would be ruinous. Mr Frazer in his book "America at Work" states that the expenses of the meat-packers of Chicago for 1901 amounted to £150,244,848.

Because he has shown by his figures that although Massachusetts has a male population of 529,244, her voting population is only 175,487, being a percentage of twenty-nine, while Indiana, with a white male population of 693,469, has a voting population of 280,655, being about forty per cent. Why is this difference?

In death we reach the shore and go to our different worlds. 243 The stream of truth flows through its channels of mistakes. 244 My heart is homesick to-day for the one sweet hour across the sea of time. 245 The bird-song is the echo of the morning light back from the earth. 246 "Are you too proud to kiss me?" the morning light asks the buttercup.

Now, Danegre, three weeks before the murder, you abstracted the cook's key to the servants' door, and had a duplicate key made by a locksmith named Outard, 244 rue Oberkampf." "It's a lie it's a lie!" growled Victor. "No person has seen that key. There is no such key." "Here it is."

The Liberator ceased publication, Dec. 29, 1865. Ms., Diary, June 30, July 3, 1865. Harper, Anthony, II, pp. 960-967. Stanton and Blatch, Stanton, II, p. 105. Ibid.; Harper, Anthony, I, p. 244. Ms., Diary, Aug. 7, Sept. 5, 20, 1865. Ibid., Nov. 26-27, 1865. Harper, Anthony, I, p. 251. History of Woman Suffrage, II, pp. 96-97. Harper, Anthony, I, p. 260. Ibid., pp. 261, 323.

He was now doing what he had been doing every day for twenty years up there bowing his body ceaselessly and rapidly almost to his feet. It was his way of praying. I timed him with a stop watch, and he made 1,244 revolutions in 24 minutes and 46 seconds. It seemed a pity to have all this power going to waste.

All things considered, the crossing of the Danube must rank as a highly creditable achievement, skilfully planned and stoutly carried out; it cost the invaders scarcely 700 men . They now threw a pontoon-bridge across the Danube between Simnitza and Sistova; and by July 2 had 65,000 men and 244 cannon in and near the latter town.

"The Salt Lake Herald" for November 13, 1896, records the fact that "Woman suffrage gave Utah to Bryan," and in another place it says: "The women on both tickets polled a small number of votes." Martha Cannon, who was elected State Senator, obtained 8,167 votes. The men on the same ticket, elected to the same office, polled, respectively, 9,875, 9,355, 9,244, 9,036 votes. Mrs.

But the new emperors had scarcely given promise of a wise administration, before they in turn were assassinated by the prætorians, and Gordian, a grandson of the first of that name, was elevated to the imperial dignity. He, again, was soon murdered in a mutiny of the soldiers, who elected Philip as his successor, A.D. 244.