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On the 8th August, with his balloon leaking, he made a second attempt, and narrowly escaped disaster, the airship being entirely wrecked. Thereupon he built No. 6 with a cubic capacity of 22,239 feet and a lifting power of 1,518 lbs. With this machine he won the Deutsch Prize on October 19th, 1901, starting with the disadvantage of a side wind of 20 feet per second.

For the first quarter of the financial year ending on the 30th of September, 1861, the receipts from all sources, including the balance of the 1st of July, were $102,532,509.27, and the expenses $98,239,733.09, leaving a balance on the 1st of October, 1861, of $4,292,776.18.

His foibles were a common subject of their talk. Ante, iii. 48. By the Author of The Whole Duty of Man. See ante, ii. 239, note 4. Johnson often quotes it in his Dictionary. 'The things done in his body. 2 Corinthians, v. 10. 'Yes I am proud: I must be proud to see Men not afraid of God, afraid of me: Safe from the bar, the pulpit, and the throne, Yet touched and shamed by ridicule alone.

Thirty years earlier he had written of Milton as 'that poet whose works may possibly be read when every other monument of British greatness shall be obliterated. Ante, i. 230. See ante, ii. 239.

The period of one of these inequalities is 273 years, and that of the other is 239 years. The maximum value of the former is 27".4, and that of the latter is 23".2. Translator. This law is necessarily included in the law already enunciated by the author relative to the mean longitudes.

Or, supposing a man should live fifty years, the number of pulsations of the heart during that period, at the normal rate, would be 917, 239,680. Now, if ten extra beats be added to this, for, say the last twenty-five years, we find that the heart is called upon to make 91,840,000 extra beats.

Ripley, 14, 15; of Mary Moody Emerson, 16; established, 221; supposititious club, 222; on Persian Poetry, 224; on Thoreau, 228; Emerson's contributions, 239, 241; Brahma, 296. Atmosphere: effect on inspiration, 290; spiritual, 413, 414. Augustine, Emerson's study of, 52. Authors, quoted by Emerson, 381-383. Bacon, Francis: allusion, 22, 111; times quoted, 382.

Brighton, part of October and November. Post, iv. 159. Rochester, July; about a fortnight. Post, iv. 233. Heale near Salisbury, part of August and September; three weeks. Post, iv. 233, 239. Oxford, June; a fortnight. Post, iv. 283, 311. Lichfield, Ashbourn, Oxford, from July 13 to Nov. 16. Post, iv. 353, 377.

'So long as I live, he replied, 'every criminal must die. 'He was inexorable in individual cases; he adhered to his laws with a rigour that amounted to cruelty, while in the framing of general rules we find him mild, yielding, and placable. Ranke's Popes, ed. 1866, i. 307, 311. See ante, iii. 239, where he discusses the question of shooting a highwayman.

I have attempted to analyze Cosimo's method in the article on 'Florence and the Medici, Studies and Sketches in Italy. This centralization of Italy in five great powers was not obtained without the depression or total extinction of smaller cities. Ferrari counts seventeen towns, who died, to use his forcible expression, at the close of the civil wars. Storia delle Rivoluzioni d' Italia, iii. 239.