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I pressed the bell. "Central," said I, "connect again 2241 and 584 B." A phantom central repeated the numbers; there was a pause, and then "Two two four one," came in a tiny voice into my ear a voice with the English sing-song the voice plainly of a gentleman. "Is that you again, Mr. Bellairs?" it trilled. "I tell you it's no use. Is that you, Mr. Bellairs? Who is that?"

"I only want to put a single question," said I, civilly. "Why do you want to buy the Flying Scud?" No answer came. The telephone vibrated and hummed in miniature with all the numerous talk of a great city; but the voice of 2241 was silent. Once and twice I put my question; but the tiny, sing-song English voice, I heard no more. The man, then, had fled? fled from an impertinent question?

It was plain Bellairs had been communicating with his principal; I knew the number, if not the name. Should I ring up at once? It was more than likely he would return in person to the telephone. I pressed the bell. "Central," said I, "connect again 2241 and 584 B."

It scarce seemed natural to me; unless on the principle that the wicked fleeth when no man pursueth. I took the telephone list and turned the number up: "2241, Mrs. Keane, res. 942 Mission Street." And that, short of driving to the house and renewing my impertinence in person, was all that I could do.

No answer came. The telephone vibrated and hummed in miniature with all the numerous talk of a great city: but the voice of 2241 was silent. Once and twice I put my question; but the tiny sing-song English voice I heard no more. The man, then, had fled fled from an impertinent question. It scarce seemed natural to me unless on the principle that the wicked fleeth when no man pursueth.

I took the telephone list and turned the number up: "2241, Mrs. Keane, res. 942 Mission Street." And that, short of driving to the house and renewing my impertinence in person, was all that I could do.

This form of attributive phrase, consisting of a preposition with a noun, is common; cf. 24 ex agro Sabino rusticos Romanos; 40 cum hostibus clandestina colloquia. Querella is better spelling than querela. See Roby, 177, 2. QUI: 'men of such nature as to .... ET ... NEC: Roby 2241. The reason for the departure from the ordinary sequence of particles lies in the words non moleste.