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The sum was 500,000 sesterces. Their paramours were beaten to death. A full account of the Vestals will be found in Aulus Gellius, i, 12. Quintilian, vii, 3, 27: ad servum nulla lex pertinet. On the rare instances when a slave could inform against his master in a public court, see Hermogenianus in Dig., v, 1, 53. Gaius, i, 52 ff. Gaius, iii, 222. Cf. Juvenal vi, 219-223, and 474-495.

The Seneschal was eager to make peace between the estranged young men by citing wise examples, so he began to recount the story of the wild boar of the forests of Naliboki, and of the quarrel between Rejtan and the Prince de Nassau;222 but meanwhile the guests had finished eating their ices and were going outside the castle into the yard, to enjoy the fresh air.

When the idea of this first great Thanksgiving Fund was originally contemplated, the most hopeful only dared look for £10,000; but when the accounts were closed the treasurers were in possession of £222,589, one meeting at City Road having produced £10,000; and the effort was made at a time of great commercial depression.

Acknowledgment is due to the Charles Scribner's Sons Company, Publishers, for the use of the text of their edition of Stevenson's works. 207:18 bartizan. A small overhanging turret with loop-holes and embrasures projecting from the parapet of a medieval building. 208:1 gargoyles. Mouths of spouts, in antic shapes. 209:30 debouched. Passed out. 212:29 Leonardo. 222:7 salle.

Logic, Chap. The Riddle of the Universe, Chaps. Chap. Fragments of Science, p. 222. First Principles, i., pp. 33-39. Essays, Vol. III., pp. 246, f. In an essay written before 1889. A Candid Examination of Theism , pp. 171, f. Nineteenth Century, February, 1888. It must not be imagined that all the arguments were on one side. Far from it.

In a note on the first page of his work on the Bhilsa Topes , General Cunningham says: "The Christians number about 270 millions; the Buddhists about 222 millions, who are distributed as follows: China 170 millions, Japan 25, Anam 14, Siam 3, Ava 8, Nepal 1, and Ceylon 1; total, 222 millions." ii.

Arrangements had been made to have all the members sit with him in turn, but it was soon decided that continuity of observation was valuable, and certain members were appointed to do the whole work. PHILADA., February 7th, 1885. A formal session of the Seybert Committee was held to-day at 8 o'clock P.M., at the residence of Mr. Furness, No. 222 West Washington Square.

The Huddersfield Canal, which connects the Humber and Mersey, is a very extraordinary piece of work. It is carried through and over a backbone of hills by stairs of more than thirty locks in nine miles, and a tunnel three miles in length. At one place it is 222 yards below the surface, and at another 656.5 feet above the level of the sea.

One campaign followed another in the years from 230 to 222, until all the feudal states had been conquered, annexed, and brought under Shih Huang-ti's rule. 2 Centralization in every field The main task of the now gigantic realm was the organization of administration.

He assumed, or was given, a nom de guerre such as La Tulippe, La Tendresse, Pollux, Pot-de-Vin, Vide-bouteille, or Va-de-bon-coeur. His term of service was seven or eight years, but he was by no means sure of getting a fair discharge at the end of it; and was in any case likely to reenlist. Mercier, x. 273. Segur, i. 222; Encyc. meth. The uniforms of the day were ill adapted to campaigning.