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Johnston's cavalry meanwhile had been well out towards our front, and occasional encounters occurred between it and our outposts. On the 1st of April this cavalry became bold and approached our lines, showing that an advance of some kind was contemplated. On the 2d Johnston left Corinth in force to attack my army.

According to the narrative of Arthur Pym Jane experienced serious difficulties, due to bad weather, from the 1st to the 4th of January, 1828. It was not until the morning of the 5th, in latitude 23° 15’ that she found a free passage through the last iceberg that barred her way.

"Never saw so gay a Carnival," said everybody; and in the height of it, with all manner of gayeties going on, think where the dainty little shoes have been pinching! BERLIN, "1st March, 1743. This circumstance, added to our card-playing, though small, which we could not dispense with, has led us into debts.

For the furtherance of their objects and desires, in respect to the affairs of Germany and the Church these two knights placed high hopes in the new young Emperor, who had left Spain, and on the 1st of July landed on the coast of the Netherlands. Sickingen had earned merit in his election.

General Shafter reconnoitered, and formed his plan of battle June 30th, and reports that in the opening of the engagement on July 1st "the artillery fire from El Pozo was soon returned by the enemy's artillery. They evidently had the range of this hill, and their first shells killed and wounded several men.

With which logic he was fain to be satisfied. April 1st. To-day the Expedition suffered a loss in the death of the grey Arab horse presented by Seyd Burghash, Sultan of Zanzibar. The night previous I had noticed that the horse was suffering.

Every speculative builder in the trade would strain his credit to the utmost, and take up every L100 from his bank that he could induce the bank manager to let him have. A second illustration. Forty years ago, on our farm in the south of England, two men with flails used to begin threshing wheat in the long barn about 1st November, and used to thresh till 1st April.

On the 1st of December, the Queen and Prince, who had been staying at Osborne, paid the Duke of Norfolk a visit at Arundel. Not only was the Duke the premier duke and Earl-Marshal of England, but he held at this time the high office in the Household of Master of the Horse.

Councilmen 1st Ward David Clark Doan, Henry Everett, John Gill. 2d Ward John Erwin, Charles Hickox, Henry B. Payne. 3d Ward Alexander Seymour, Alexander S. Cramer, Orville Gurley. Mayor Lorenzo A. Kelsey. President of the Council Flavel W. Bingham. Aldermen Flavel W. Bingham, William Case, Alexander Seymour.

General Douay was keenly alive to the importance of these eminences, and the day before had sent two battalions to occupy Hattoy; but the men, feeling that they were "in the air" and too remote from support, had fallen back early that morning. It was understood that the left wing of the 1st corps was to take care of the Calvary of Illy.