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The money spent on arterial drainage and land improvement, under the Labouchere letter and various drainage Acts, during the years 1846, 1847 and 1848, was, as given above, £1,191,187 19s. 5d., which being deducted from £10,723,908 19s>. 5d. leaves the sum of £9,532,721, of which there was finally charged to this country £4,845,062.

I notice, in connection with the Orphan Houses, that without any one having been personally applied to for anything by me, the sum of £24,771, 19s. 8¾d. was given to me as the result of prayer to God from the commencement of the work up to May 26, 1848. This sum includes the £11,062, 4s. 11½d., which up to May 26, 1848, had been given towards the building fund.

In the bankruptcy of Gibbins and Co., in 1825, the creditors received 19s. 8d. in the pound. In the more recent case that of Attwood and Co. they received a dividend of 11s. 3d. Both these cases compare favourably with others at a distance, where dividends of one or two shillings have not been infrequent.

On consideration he saw no reason why the Universal Thrift Club should not be allowed to start itself by the impetus of its own intrinsic excellence. The dame was inscribed for three shares, paid eighteen-pence entrance fee, undertook to pay three shillings a week, and received a document entitling her to spend £3, 18s. in sixty-five shops as soon as she had paid £1, 19s. to Denry.

The expenses were met by the weekly offerings, and I was surprised to see by a notice posted in the room where the Sunday services are held, that the sum total for the past week was only 19s. 4d. So there must be considerable sacrifice of something more than time to carry on this admirable work. Under the guidance of the second gentleman mentioned above, I proceeded to the St. George's and St.

A recent Report, issued by the Labour Department of the Board of Trade, gives statistics with reference to the earnings of agricultural labourers throughout the three kingdoms. It concludes that on an average a labourer in England obtains 18s. 3d. a week, in Wales 17s. 3d., in Scotland 19s. 3d., and in Ireland 10s. 11d.

December 31, 1845. There have been received into communion 53 during this year, and 1,055 since the commencement of our coming to Bristol. During this year the Lord has been pleased to give to me £433, 19s. 1¾d.

During the following month of December, task-work was adopted, and the effectives, 143 in number, earned L.665, 19s. 10d. We are informed that task-work has been contrived to allow each man to do 1-1/4 to 1-1/2-days' work per diem, and to obtain credit for the extra amount earned.

"Nor has God failed me at any time. Forty years have I proved His faithfulness, in this work." Under date Nov. 9, 1861, Mr. Müller wrote: "Nov. 9. Saturday evening. When this week commenced, I received only £3 19s. by the first delivery.

The sole value of his treatise lies in certain statistical details with regard to the cost and profits of different crops, prices of food, rates of wages, etc. By his showing, the profit of an acre of wheat in 1780 was £2 10s; of barley, £3 3s 6d; of buckwheat, £2 19s; and a farm of one hundred and fifty acres, judiciously managed, would leave a profit of £379.