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But that was a long way off. June-July 1776 was the beginning of a great experiment, not the finished product. Bernard Bailyn, Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, Harvard University Press, 1962, chapter 4. The British-Americans: The Virginia Loyalists

Fourth, we must assure our pre-eminence in the peaceful exploration of outer space, focusing on an expedition to the moon in this decade in cooperation with other powers if possible, alone if necessary. Fifth, we must expand world trade. Having recognized in the Act of 1962 that we must buy as well as sell, we now expect our trading partners to recognize that we must sell as well as buy.

The budget already submitted for fiscal 1962 will remain in balance only if the Congress enacts all the revenue measures requested and only if an earlier and sharper up-turn in the economy than my economic advisers now think likely produces the tax revenues estimated. Nevertheless, a new Administration must of necessity build on the spending and revenue estimates already submitted.

One of their most active agents, in occupying the Red River Valley, was the Englishman Peter Fidler, who was the surveyor of this district, the master of several forts, and a man who ended his eventful career by a will made providing that all of his funds should be kept at interest until 1962, when they should be divided, as his last chimerical plan should direct.

We are in Vietnam because an international agreement signed by the United States, North Vietnam, and others in 1962 is being systematically violated by the Communists. That violation threatens the independence of all the small nations in Southeast Asia, and threatens the peace of the entire region and perhaps the world.

We will submit a Federal Pay Reform bill aimed at giving our classified, postal, and other employees new pay scales more comparable to those of private industry; We are holding the fiscal 1962 budget deficit far below the level incurred after the last recession in 1958; and, finally, I am submitting for fiscal 1963 a balanced Federal Budget.

Wirt, 159. 4 Am. Arch. iii. 1067. 4 Am. Arch. iii. 1713-1715. Graphic contemporary accounts of this battle may be found in 4 Am. Arch. iv. 224, 228, 229. Wirt, 178. 4 Am. Arch. iii. 1962. Ibid. iv. 1669. Ibid. iv. 1517. Ibid. iv. 1515, 1516. 4 Am. Arch. iv. 1516; also, Wirt, 180, 181. 4 Am. Arch. iv. 1516. 4 Am. Arch. iv. 1516, 1517. Ibid. iv. 1518. 4 Am. Arch. iv. 1519. Wirt, 175.

The influence and expertise developed during these years showed their capacity, in 1955 and 1962, when the Community was successful in securing United Nations’ intervention on behalf of the believers suffering persecution in Iran and Morocco, respectively.

It is also clear that in a broad sense the principles of natural justice apply to Commissions of Inquiry, although what those principles require varies with the subject-matter of the inquiry. The leading authority is the decision of this Court in Re Royal Commission on State Services 1962 N.Z.L.R. 96.

We are in Vietnam because an international agreement signed by the United States, North Vietnam, and others in 1962 is being systematically violated by the Communists. That violation threatens the independence of all the small nations in Southeast Asia, and threatens the peace of the entire region and perhaps the world.