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The Lake has an area of 193 square miles. The elevation of its high-water mark has been at 6231.3, whereas its low-water mark is recorded at elevation 6223.1 above sea level.

RICHARD CORBET'S Poems, Edition 1815, p. 193. This is the Highland patronymic of the late gallant Chief of Glengarry. The allusion in the text is to an unnecessary alarm taken by some lady, at the ceremonial of the coronation of George IV., at the sight of the pistols which the Chief wore as a part of his Highland dress. The circumstance produced some confusion, which was talked of at the time.

He was one of 'these tanti men. 'I told Paoli that in the very heat of youth I felt the nom est tanti, the omnia vanitas of one who has exhausted all the sweets of his being, and is weary with dull repetition. I told him that I had almost become for ever incapable of taking a part in active life. Boswell's Corsica, ed. 1879, p. 193.

The starred figures for Manhattan call attention to the change of population that has taken place in New York, particularly as it affects Manhattan. While the total increase of population in New York from 1910 to 1915 was 667,928 there was a decrease in Manhattan of 193,795.

So many many times this Official Report leaves one's curiosity unsatisfied. For instance, here is a little paragraph out of the record of a certain band of 193 Thugs, which has that defect: "Fell in with Lall Sing Subahdar and his family, consisting of nine persons. Traveled with them two days, and the third put them all to death except the two children, little boys of one and a half years old."

Should the market price of the issue advance to 100 and exchange return to normal the investor would get $19.30 for every 100 francs capital; $193.00 for every 1000 francs capital; $965.00 for every 5000 francs capital. In this case and again without regard to income return, the holder of 5000 francs capital would receive a net profit of $223.50 or approximately 30 per cent.

See ante, iii. 193, and May 1, 1783. Johnson ten years earlier told Boswell that he loved most 'the biographical part of literature. Ante, i. 425.

It seems a reasonable deduction from these circumstances that Brown's offer to buy out Bessemer and his subsequent threat were the consequences of a determination by Ebbw Vale to attack Bessemer by means of patent infringement suits. Mining Journal, 1857, vol. 27, p. 193. British patent 2219, September 22, 1856. Some aspects of the Ebbw Vale situation are not yet explained.

Four years later the industry had shrunk one-half; and it has never recovered its early importance * * In 1882, the tonnage amounted to 193,459; in 1866, to 89,336. The coastwise merchant trade, on the other hand, has been jealously guarded against competition and otherwise fostered ever since 1789, when the first discriminatory tonnage tax was enforced.

The average loss of grade by 193 children, as recorded by teachers, was 1.28 years for girls and 1.5 years for boys, a total of 269 school years. No special classes for the instruction of retarded children were found in any of the rural schools of the county.