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Embroidered muslin robes, newest fashion, cost 18s. 9d., to be sold for 9s. 6d. Worked lace dresses, cost 35s., to be sold at 14s. 9d. Do. do. cost 28s. 6d., to be sold at 7s. 6d. Newest dresses, of fashionable materials, worth 35s., to be sold for 9s. 9d. Splendid Paisley shawls, worth 2-1/2 guineas, for 16s.

Edward Henry took it. "Wait a minute," he said. He read on the bill: "Apartments, £8. Dinner, £1, 2s. 0d. Breakfast, 6s. 6d. Lunch, 18s. Half Chablis, 6s. 6d. Valet's board, 10s. Tooth-brush, 2s. 6d." "That's a bit thick, half-a-crown for that tooth-brush!" he said to himself. "However " The next instant he blenched once more.

And notwithstanding the perfection of the manufacture, it is probable it will ere long be in most places entirely discontinued. In the years 1824 to 1827, the prices of agricultural produce were much lower than at present, while the price of sugar was the same. At that time one malter of wheat was 10s., and one klafter of wood 18s., and land was falling in price.

By the Freewill Offerings through the boxes £151 6s. 8d. By presents in money from believers in and out of Bristol £141 18s. 0d. By money, through family connexion £40 0s. 0d. By presents in clothes, provisions, etc., which were worth to me, at least £12 0s. 0d. We have been living for six months, half free of rent whereby we have saved at least £5 0s. 0d. Altogether £350 4s. 8d.

Vegetables, fruit, and flowers were extremely cheap; but the charge for water, fetched from the spring in our own breakers by our own crew, with but little assistance from four or five negroes, was 3l. 18s. However, as ours is the only yacht, with one exception, that has ever visited this island, there was nothing for it except to pay the bill without demur.

The Lord has been again very kind to us, during these last days. There came in since Oct. 20, in small donations, 18s. 1d.; for knitting and by sale of stockings, 16s. On Friday last, besides, there were sold stockings to the amount of 17s. 5d. In the evening a brother gave me 5l.

Thus, food and fuel were cheap, and the demand for sugar unlimited; it was, therefore, advantageous to grow beet-root, and to dispose of the produce of land as sugar. All these circumstances are now different. A malter of wheat costs 18s.; a klafter of wood, 30s. to 36s. Wages have risen, but not in proportion, whilst the price of colonial sugar has fallen.

Ellen told him that he might take a house in some small street, say near the "Elephant and Castle," for 17s. or 18s. a week, and let off the two top floors for 10s., keeping the back parlour and shop for themselves.

Do. for do. paper money, bundle No. 1, twenty thousand dollars, No. 2, twenty-seven thousand dollars, No. 3, fifteen thousand dollars, No. 4, thirteen thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars and one third. Mrs. Mrs. Weldon, £39 18s. new, instead of £1600, old paper money, Mrs. Mrs. Randolph, the younger, of Chatsworth, eight hundred dollars. Mrs. Fitzhugh and others, £558.

An analogy may be seen in the British possessions in tropical America, where, following the stoppage of the intercolonial slave trade in 1807, a royal commission found that the average slave prices as gathered from sale records between 1822 and 1830 varied from a range in the old and stagnant colonies of £27 4s. 11-3/4d. in Bermuda, £29 18s. 9-3/4d. in the Bahamas, £47 1s. in Barbados and £44 15s. 2-1/4d. in Jamaica, to £105 4s., £114 11s. and £120 4s. 7-1/2d respectively in the new and buoyant settlements of Trinidad, Guiana and British Honduras.