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According to the United States consul at St. In the decade 1890-1901 the amount of subsidies expended directly to encourage shipping increased rapidly, and the tonnage increased in extent and importance. In 1890-91 the total tonnage stood at 427,335 tons of which 156,070 were steam and 271,265 sailing ships.

I have lately endeavoured to ascertain the number there are at present, and the Dewan, to whose kindness I have been much indebted for information when writing this book, has supplied me with a specially drawn up return, showing all the information available as regards coffee from the year 1831 up to 1890-91, and by this it seems that there were in 1890-91 662 plantations held by Europeans in Mysore, but there are no means of ascertaining the number of planters.

As in some quarters erroneous ideas prevail regarding both the historical and intellectual relation between James and Bergson, it may be useful to call attention to some of the facts here. In the following years 1890-91 appeared the two volumes of James' monumental work, The Principles of Psychology, in which he refers to a pathological phenomenon observed by Bergson. Cf.

None of the six objects examined gave signs of spectral alteration, and it was estimated that they must have done so had they been in course of recession from or approach towards the earth by as much as twenty-five miles a second. With far more powerful appliances, Professor Keeler renewed the attempt at Lick in 1890-91. His success was unequivocal.

The Dewan then proceeded to make his statement of the Revenue and Expenditure of 1890-91, by which it appeared that the Revenue for that period the largest ever realized by the State was 145 lakhs of rupees, or, at par, £1,450,000, and the account showed a surplus of 23 lakhs, or £230,000; but from this had to be deducted a sum for expenditure on new railways, which reduced the surplus, or rather, disposed of it to such an amount as to leave a balance of 12-1/2 lakhs, or £125,000.

The appropriation for the payment of pensions for the fiscal year 1890-91 was $127,685,793.89 and the amount expended $118,530,649.25, leaving an unexpended surplus of $9,155,144.64. The Commissioner is quite confident that there will be no call this year for a deficiency appropriation, notwithstanding the rapidity with which the work is being pushed.

Cecil Rhodes, practically controlled the whole country from Cape Colony up to German East Africa and the Congo Free State. The winter of 1890-91 was especially productive of agreements of demarcation.

The area held by Europeans was 49,862 acres, and some increase has no doubt since been made to this. The native plantations amounted to 27,180 in number in 1890-91, with an area of 96,814 acres, but many of these so-called plantations only consist of small patches of coffee. The total area of European and native holdings in 1890-91 was 146,676 acres.

The task was accomplished by Sir William and Lady Huggins in 1889 and 1890, and by Professor Keeler, with the advantages of the Mount Hamilton apparatus and atmosphere, in 1890-91. The upshot was to show a slight but sure discrepancy as to place, and a marked diversity as to character, between the two qualities of light.

In this connection it should also be remembered that equally fruitless proved the negotiations about the arrangement of the ministerial Cabinet Council, carried on between the two Governments in 1885-86 and in 1890-91.