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British Gynæcological Journal, February, 1887, p. 505. Power, Lancet, November 26, 1887. With regard to the sexual relationships of personal odor, see the previous volume of these Studies, "Sexual Selection in Man," section on Smell. In European folk-lore thick lips in a woman are sometimes regarded as a sign of sensuality, Kryptadia, vol. ii, p, 258.

The report for 1886 gives the same general average of wages for the State, but adds an exhaustive treatment of "Earnings, Cost of Living, and Prices." Maine sent out its first annual report in 1887, and gives the wages of women workers as $3.58 for the lowest, and $15.20 for the highest, the annual earnings ranging from $104 to $520.

Medical Record, 1880, xviii, 698. The School of Salernum. An historical sketch of mediæval medicine. 1883. Translated, and in conjunction with the author, revised and enlarged, 1887. Clinical history of a case of abdominal cancer. Cleveland Medical Gazette, 1891-2, vii, 315-321. The Sanitary topography of Cleveland. Cleveland Medical Gazette, 1895-6, xi, 651-659. Cleveland in the Census Reports.

But, save for a limited arrangement with New Zealand in 1895, no definite result followed. The policy of the Liberal Opposition in Canada in respect to inter-imperial trade may be briefly stated. Mr Laurier's first speech, as leader of the party, at Somerset, in 1887, has already been mentioned. There he declared that if commercial union with Great Britain were feasible, he would favour it.

The first step toward meeting this necessity was made in 1887 by Senator Whitthorne, of Tennessee, who in that year introduced a bill "to create a naval reserve of auxiliary cruisers, officers, and men, from the mercantile marine of the United States."

Boston, 1870. Biddulph, Maj. J. Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. 164 pp. Gov't. Printing Office. Calcutta, 1880. Frazer, J.G. The Golden Bough: Part II, Taboo and the Perils of the Soul. 446 pp. Macmillan. London, 1911. Webster, Hutton. Primitive Secret Societies. 227 pp. Macmillan. Guppy, H.B. The Solomon Islands and Their Natives. 384 pp. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. London, 1887.

These were all liberally painted. The poor quality of the material was thus largely or wholly concealed. It is of marble and is obviously of later date than the poros sculptures. In 1887 the pedestal of this statue was found, with a part of the right foot. An inscription on the pedestal shows that the statue was dedicated to some divinity, doubtless Athena, whose precinct the Acropolis was.

W. H. Pickering thought, the projection of a huge, hollow cone. Branched and recurving jets were curiously associated with it. The intrinsic photographic brightness of the corona proved, from Pickering's measures, to be about 1/54 that of the average surface of the full moon. The Russian eclipse of August 19, 1887, can only be remembered as a disastrous failure. Much was expected of it.

Under the influence of letters from Grigorovitch, who was the first person to appreciate his talent, Chekhov began to take his writing more seriously. In 1887 he visited the south of Russia and stayed at the Holy Mountains, which gave him the subjects of two of his stories, "Easter Eve" and "Uprooted."

The resulting law was the Interstate Commerce Act of February 4, 1887.