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In 1862, English took from Spain 156 tons; 1863, 18,074 tons; 1866, 66,913 tons; 1868, 95,000 tons; and the import of rags fell from 24,000 tons in 1866 to 17,000 tons in 1668. The British Consul estimates the receipts from this monopoly for the year 1866-7 at $8,418,939, after an expenditure of $4,519,866; thus leaving a clear profit of $3,899,073.

A new departure A Dublin hotel in the "sixties" The Irish mail service The wonderful old paddle mail-boats The convivial waiters of the Munster The Viceregal Lodge-Indians and pirates The imagination of youth A modest personal ambition Death-warrants; imaginary and real The Fenian outbreak of 1866-7 The Abergele railway accident A Dublin Drawing-Room Strictly private ceremonials Some of the amenities of the Chapel Royal An unbidden spectator of the State dinners Irish wit Judge Keogh Father Healy Happy Dublin knack of nomenclature An unexpected honour and its cause Incidents of the Fenian rising Dr.

The pride of race, the unquenched spirit of the "lost cause," prompted it to stand out for better terms. During the autumn and winter of 1866-7 the lately seceded States, except Tennessee, rejected the amendment. So failed the first congressional plan of reconstruction, as the President's earlier plan had failed. And now there was small hesitation or delay in framing and enforcing the final plan.

The Congressional Committee did not make their investigation until the succeeding winter session of 1866-7. "We state one fact," said the committee, "significant both as bearing upon the question of preparation and as indicating the true and prevailing feeling of the people of New Orleans.

Smith managed it in 1866-7, Flora Temple, Fashion, Lady Patchen and other noted horses contending. After a few years of use it was abandoned, but it has recently been fitted up by Marshall Abbott of Lynn, and several trots have taken place the present summer.

Rumours of wars perpetual and near; and one circumstantial account of an attack made by the Bausé. That again contradicted. The notion of a rainy zone, in which the clouds deposit their treasures in perpetual showers, has received no confirmation from my observations. In 1866-7, the rainfall was 42 inches.

He was bitterly disappointed; but the growth of public esteem had given him self-confidence, and he did not again fall into despondency, though he had a strange presentiment of approaching death, which prompted his last famous poem, 'The Dream of Gerontius. A second attempt to go to Oxford was thwarted by enemies at Home and in England in 1866-7.

In 1861 was built, in company with other parties, the S. H. Kimball, 418 tons; in 1863 the Wagstaff, 412 tons; in 1864 the J. F. Gard, 370 tons; in 1865 the schooner Escanaba, 568 tons; in 1866-7, the schooner Negaunee, 850 tons, a splendid vessel, costing over $52,000, which has been running in the Lake Superior iron ore trade, and which has proved a very profitable investment; in 1868 he built the schooner Fayette Brown, 713 tons, and the tug W. Cushing, for harbor towing; in 1869 the S. F. Tilden, 1,000 tons, was launched from the yard of Quayle & Martin, completing the list of vessels built by or for Captain Bradley, making a list of nineteen vessels, and a tug, besides a number of vessels purchased.