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Experience has demonstrated, however, that it is better to make the circuit as herein outlined. A brief sketch of the history of the building of the Emigrant Gap portion of this road cannot fail to be of interest. It was practically followed by a host of the emigrants who sought California during the great gold excitement of 1848-9.

The disastrous issue of the revolutionary movements which convulsed all Europe in 1848-9, has thrown upon our shores masses of foreign political refugees, most of whom are infidels in religion, and red republicans, or destructionists of all social order in politics. They are men of desperate character and fortune outlaws from society, with the brand of infidelity upon their brow.

She made various translations from the German, and pub. Summer on the Lakes , and Papers on Literature and Art . In the same year she went to Europe, and at Rome met the Marquis Ossoli, an Italian patriot, whom she m. in 1847. She and her husband were in the thick of the Revolution of 1848-9, and in the latter year she was in charge of a hospital at Rome.

We have had public relations with Hungary as a nation; we violated our duty to Hungary in 1848-9; and complain we are still allowing Austria to get the benefit of our wrong.

Young Germany went out immediately after the failure of the revolutionists of 1848-9.

M. Max Schlesinger, author of "The War in Hungary, in 1848-9," a work which, from what we read of it in the foreign journals, is much the most striking and attractive of all that have appeared upon its subject in English, is described in the Athenæum, as by birth a Hungarian, by the accidents of fortune a German.

By this time Kossuth was back in England. One day, Francis Newman says, "Kossuth called suddenly on me with an English Blue-book in his hand, and abruptly said: 'We foreigners look to you to explain your own Blue-books. In 1848-9 the Whigs and Tories in England mistook the whole meaning of the disturbances which were going forward abroad.

About a thousand of these deportados reached Manilla in 1848-9, and being entirely destitute of all resources or means of subsistence, they had to be taken care of by the Colonial Government, who allowed them some rice and water every day, and had, finally, to charter vessels to re-ship them for the Peninsula.

In the years 1848-9 they suffered severe losses from the defalcation of an agent or trustee, but they have long ago recovered this loss, and now owe no debts. Agriculture they believe to be the true base of community life, and if their land were fertile they would be glad to leave off manufacturing entirely. But on such land as they have they cannot make a living.

Camden station, under the alterations effected in 1848-9, has a double line, for goods waggons only, 2,500 feet in length, entirely clear of the main line. The length of single lines, exclusive of the main line, exceeds twelve miles.