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They wander, trying to lose their grief in the fatigue of the road, dragging their weary life to all the corners of the globe. Bothwell The author of "Bothwell," and many other romantic tales, was a Scotsman by birth, parentage, and perfervid sentiment. He was born at Edinburgh on August 1, 1822.

In 1865 he was elected United States Senator from Kentucky for the term ending in 1871. 46, 134, 160, 210, 214. ROBERT S. HALE was born, in Chelsea, Vermont, September 24, 1822, and graduated at the University of Vermont in 1842. He settled for the practice of law at Elizabethtown, New York.

Upon Brown's death in 1820, he resigned a post to which he was no longer equal. A paralytic stroke in 1822 weakened him, though he was still able to write. He died in 1828. If Stewart now makes no great mark in histories of philosophy, his personal influence was conspicuous.

Still, however, the light being exposed in an open chauffer, was little to be depended on at any great distance from the shore, so that about the year 1780 reflectors and lamps were introduced, and in 1822 the light received its last improvement by the introduction of Fresnel’s beautiful apparatus.

Henry Chisholm is of Scotch origin, having been born in Lochgelly in Fifeshire, April 27, 1822. There, as in New England, children, if they are heirs to nothing else, inherit the privilege of some early education. When he was at the age of ten his father died.

Interests of great magnitude and delicacy had been adjusted by the conventions of 1815 and 1818, while that of 1822, mediated by the late Emperor Alexander, had promised a satisfactory compromise of claims which the Government of the United States, in justice to the rights of a numerous class of their citizens, was bound to sustain.

From 1822 to 1848, a period of twenty-six years, Henry Clay lived the strange life of a candidate for the Presidency. It was enough to ruin any man, body and soul.

"Not this tune!" cried Caesar with a laugh. "The popes have always studiously avoided this place." "Then," said Napoleon with a smile, "let Fortune crown me. After all, it has always been she who did it why not now?" Hence it was that at the dawning of New Year's day of 1822, Napoleon Bonaparte opened a new and most highly successful career.

Though the springs are only a few yards apart, they have very different temperature; and this appears to be the result of an unequal mixture of cold water: for those with the lowest temperature have scarcely any mineral taste. After the great earthquake of 1822 the springs ceased, and the water did not return for nearly a year.

These grievances were justly denounced by party leaders, but in the eyes of ordinary politicians, and still more of electors, coercion rather than concession was the appropriate remedy for the ills of Ireland. Canning, however, though suspected of lukewarmness, did not let the question rest in 1822.