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Agree to such a treaty as this!" she exclaimed indignantly. "No, no, I will rather lose my head." From 1748 to 1759. Treaty of Peace. Dissatisfaction of Maria Theresa. Preparation for War. Rupture between England and Austria. Maria Theresa. Alliance with France. Influence of Marchioness of Pompadour. Bitter Reproaches Between Austria and England. Commencement of the Seven Years' War.

Hawkes declining the pastoral care, the congregation judiciously turned their thoughts towards the celebrated Doctor Priestley, F.R.S. one of the first philosophers of the age; whose merit seems obvious to every eye but his own. CARR's LANE MEETING. A scion of the Old Meeting, transplanted in 1748 The building cost about 700l.

Upon this subject, Monsieur Fontenelle's 'Pluralite des Mondes', which you may read in two hours' time, will both inform and please you. God bless you! Yours. LONDON, December 13, O. S. 1748. DEAR BOY: The last four posts have brought me no letters, either from you or from Mr.

While an under-graduate, he had distinguished himself by his Latin verses, called the Tripos Verses; and, in 1748, by a poem, in the same language, on the Peace; printed in the Cambridge Collection. His quarrel with the senior part of the University did not deprive him of his fellowship.

The missionaries le Loutre and Germain were naturally very desirous of seeing French supremacy restored in Acadia and the latter proposed an expedition against Annapolis. With that end in view he proceeded to Quebec and returned with a supply of powder, lead and ball for his Maliseet warriors. However, in October, 1748, the peace of Aix la Chapelle put a stop to open hostilities.

I ask hard and uninterrupted study from you but one year more; after that, you shall have every day more and more time for your amusements. A few hours each day will then be sufficient for application, and the others cannot be better employed than in the pleasures of good company. Adieu. LONDON, May 31, O. S. 1748.

Considering that the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 broke out only four years after this essay was published, the assertion that the Jacobite party had "almost entirely vanished in 1741" sounds strange enough: and the passage which contains it is omitted in the third edition of the Essays, published in 1748.

The joyous events of 1748 in Philadelphia were followed by disappointments to such an extent that after 1754 the synodical meetings were abandoned till 1760, when, as stated, Provost Von Wrangel revived the synod in the interest of establishing a German-Swedish organization.

This first visit of Cranstoun lasted "five or six months" from the autumn of 1747 till the spring of 1748 when he went to London on the footing that Mary, with her father's permission, should "stay for him" till the "unhappy affair" with his soi-disant spouse was legally determined. Pending this desired result, the lovers maintained a vigorous correspondence. Sometime after his departure, Mrs.

In 1744, after leaving school, Burke entered Trinity College, Dublin. He graduated B.A. in 1748; M.A., 1751. In 1750 he came to London, to the Middle Temple. In 1756 Burke became known as a writer, by two pieces. One was a pamphlet called "A Vindication of Natural Society."