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Last of all in this particular group another work in respect of which Morelli has played the rescuer is the Madonna and Child with four Saints, No. 168 in the Dresden Gallery, a much-injured but eminently Titianesque work, which may be said to bring this particular series to within a couple of years or so of the Assunta that great landmark of the first period of maturity.

"I've had a little talk with the hotel servants," said he to Kirby, when the latter called to make inquiries. "Mr. Henry M. Gillespie, of Locke, New York, had room 168. It's on the same floor with Mrs. Hale's suite, at the farther end of the hall. He had only one piece of luggage, a suitcase marked H. M. G. That information I got from the porter.

Wind North-West, South-West; course North 20' West; distance 105 miles; latitude 23 degrees 28 minutes South, longitude 351 degrees 52 minutes West. Friday, 26th. Fresh Gales, and a large Swell from the Southward. Wind South-South-West, South-East by South; course North 50 degrees West; distance 168 miles; latitude 21 degrees 40 minutes South, longitude 354 degrees 12 minutes West.

The debate in the House was successfully led by Sanford Bates, chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Amendments. The resolution to submit the amendment passed by 168 to 39 in the House and 34 to 2 in the Senate, commanding the required two-thirds for the first time, but it had to pass a succeeding Legislature.

From this time Rome had no rival, and she continued to add to her power by using every means to insure to her the empire of the sea. Paulus Emilius in the year 168 B.C. landed at Samothrace at the head of twenty-five thousand men, conquered Perseus, and brought Macedonia to submission. Twenty years later, the third Punic war decided the fate of Carthage.

Cass, the fourth candidate before the convention, had been from the first out of the running, his highest vote being only seven. On the sixteenth ballot, Buchanan received 168 and Douglas 122. Though Buchanan now had a majority of the votes of the convention, he still lacked thirty of the two-thirds required for a nomination.

Quincy, Josiah: History of Boston Athenaeum, 31; tribute to the Anthology, 32, 33; memories of Emerson, 45-47; old age, 261. Quotations, 381-383. Raleigh, Sir Walter, verse, 338. Raphael, his Transfiguration, 134. Rats, illustration, 167, 168. Reed, Sampson, his Growth of the Mind, 80. Reforms, in America, 141-145. Reformers, fairness towards, 156, 157, 188-192. Religion: opinions of Wm.

H.G. Adams's useful work on the "Moral Language and Poetry of Flowers," not to mention the constant allusions scattered throughout the works of our old poets, such as Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Drayton. Introduction, p. 12. Folkard's "Plant Legends," p. 389. See Judith xv. 13. "Flower-lore," pp. 197-8. "Plant-lore of Shakespeare." "Flower-lore," p. 168.

Mugler v. Kansas, 133 U.S. 623. Fertilizing Co. v. Hyde Park, 97 U.S. 659. Slaughter House Cases, 16 Wallace 78, decided in 1873. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. v. Minnesota, 134 U.S. 461, decided March 24, 1890. Noble State Bank v. Haskell, 219 U.S. 104. See the extraordinary case of Douglas v. Kentucky, 168 U.S. 488, which must be read in connection with Gregory v.

La Charite, where but one dies out of seven and a half, would have lost only 168,700, whence results the frightful picture that the Hotel-Dieu, in 52 years, has snatched from France 99,044 persons, whose lives would have been saved, had the Hotel-Dieu been as spacious, in proportion, as La Charite.