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A. The screw steamer Fairy, if enlarged to three times the size while retaining the same form, would have twenty-seven times the capacity, nine times the sectional area, and nine times the power. The length of such a vessel would be 434 feet; her breadth 63 feet 4-1/2 inches; her draught of water 16-1/2 feet; her area of immersed section 729 square feet; and her nominal power 1080 horses.

I have put their respective weights at the lower part of this table, along with, for comparison, the weights of the other gases we have been examining: Pint. Cubic Foot. Hydrogen, . . . . 3/4 grains. 1/12 ounce. Oxygen, . . . . 11-9/10 " 1-1/2 " Nitrogen, . . . . 10-1/10 " 1-1/4 " Air,. . . . . . 10-7/16 " 1-3/8 " Carbonic acid, . . 16-1/3 " 1-9/10 "

As the time in which a pendulum vibrates is to the time in which a heavy body falls through half the length of the pendulum, as the circumference of a circle is to its diameter, and as the height through which a body falls is as the square of the time of falling, it is clear that the height through which a body will fall, during the vibration of a pendulum, is to half the length of the pendulum as the square of the circumference of a circle is to the square of its diameter; namely, as 9.8696 is to 1, or it is to the whole length of the pendulum as the half of this, namely, 4.9348 is to 1; and 4.9348 times 39.1393 in. is 16-1/12 ft. very nearly, which is the space through which a body falls by gravity in a second.

The relative prices, therefore, of the edible portions are 22, 16-1/2, and 28-1/2 cents; or to put it in a different way, a dollar at the prices assumed will buy 4-1/2 pounds of solid meat from the cut, known as chuck, 6 pounds of such meat from the round, and only 3-1/2 pounds of such meat from the porterhouse.

But here was a measured course and properly anchored stake-boats and the Lucy and the Colleen did that first leg of almost fourteen sea-miles in fifty minutes, which is better than a 16-1/2 knot clip, and that means over nineteen land miles an hour. I think anybody would call that pretty fast going. And, as some of them said afterward, "Lord in Heaven! suppose we'd had smooth water!"

A. The Nile steamer, with engines of 110 horse power by Boulton and Watt, is supplied with steam by two boilers, which are, therefore, of 55 horses power each. The height of the flue winding within the boiler is 60 inches, and its mean width 16-1/2 inches, making a sectional area or calorimeter of 990 square inches, or 18 square inches per horse power of the boiler.

Declaring that the "international gold ring" was summoning all its powers to strike at the prosperity of the country, the authors of this address called upon Populists to take up the gauntlet and meet "the enemy upon his chosen field of battle," with the "aid and cooperation of all persons who favor the immediate free coinage of silver at a ratio of 16-1, the issue of all paper money by the Government without the intervention of banks of issue, and who are opposed to the issue of interest-bearing government bonds in the time of peace."

Williams was the lucky one at last, and perhaps he deserved it. At 11.30 p.m. he read from Murray's Guide to Essex the following lines: 16-1/2 miles, Anningley. The church has been an interesting building of Norman date, but was extensively classicized in the last century.

The velocity acquired at the end of the 1st second is not 16-1/12, but 32-1/6 feet per second, and at the end of the 2d second a velocity of 32-1/6 feet has to be added; so that the total velocity at the end of the 2d second becomes 64-2/6 feet; at the end of the 3d, the velocity becomes 96-3/6 feet, at the end of the 4th, 128-4/6 feet, and so on.

The distance through which a body falls by gravity in one second is 16-1/12 feet; in two seconds, 64-4/12 feet; in three seconds, 144-9/12 feet; in four seconds, 257-4/12 feet, and so on. If the number of feet fallen through in one second be taken as unity, then the relation of the times to the spaces will be as follows: