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Dieu vueille abolir vne si damnable et malheureuse ceremonie." Sagard, Voyage des Hurons, 158. This unique mode of cure, which was called Andacwandet, is also described by Lalemant, who saw it. For the medical practices of the Hurons, see also Champlain, Brebeuf, Lafitau, Charlevoix, and other early writers. Those of the Algonquins were in some points different.

Further, one Sunday school in Bristol, with 158 children, was entirely supported, and seven others in Cornwall, Devonshire, Somersetshire, and Gloucestershire, with about 400 children in them, were assisted. Lastly, one adult school, with 133 adults was entirely supported during this year. The amount expended during this year, on these various schools, was £338, 2s. 5d.

Dial, The: established, 147, 158; editors, 159; influence, 160-163; death, 164; poems, 192; old contributors, 221; papers, 295; intuitions, 394. Diderot, Denis, essay, 79. Diogenes, story, 401. Disinterestedness, 259. Disraeli, Benjamin, the rectorship, 282. Dramas, their limitations, 375. Dress, illustration of poetry, 311, 312. Dryden, John, quotation, 20, 21.

C., N., and T., Dole, A. P., iii. 152, Section 14; 158, Section 57; 165, Section xiv. 6. Paris, St. Eustache, A. P., v. 304, Section 52. C., Soule, v. 774, Section 17, etc. See also N., Agenois, A. P., i. 684, Section 7. Certain demands of the cahiers excite surprise by their frequent recurrence.

At the close of the evening address there was the call to the Penitent-Form, and 158 men and women, out of the most differing circles of society, obeyed the call. Mr. Booth spoke in both Meetings with the freshest energy and youthful fire, and to-day he travels to Denmark."

It was an especial piece of good luck for the Soplicas that the Count, having better horses than the gentry, and wishing to be the first in the engagement, had left them behind, and had galloped at least a mile 158 in advance of the rest of the cavalry, along with his jockeys, who were obedient and well disciplined, and formed a sort of regular army.

This school has now 158 pupils, selected from various tribes, and is in full operation. Arrangements are also made for the education of a number of Indian boys and girls belonging to tribes on the Pacific Slope in a similar manner, at Forest Grove, in Oregon. These institutions will commend themselves to the liberality of Congress and to the philanthropic munificence of the American people.

See post, p. 158, note 4. Johnson has here expressed a sentiment similar to that contained in one of Shenstone's stanzas, to which, in his life of that poet, he has given high praise: She was his god-daughter. See post, May 10, 1784. 'Dr. Johnson gave a very droll account of the children of Mr.

Moreover, three crosses chalked up on the doors of houses and cattle-stalls on Walpurgis Night will effectually prevent any of the infernal crew from entering and doing harm to man or beast. See The Scapegoat, pp. 158 sqq.

In your own country, where you have only distant relatives who are nothing to you, as they have not your education or ideas, desires or habits, what will become of you all alone with your 158 disappointment and regrets? If you accept me, I will go with you; together, and loving each other, we cannot be unhappy anywhere.