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The events also which preceded and accompanied Béthencourt's enterprise need to be recorded, in order to show the part which many nations, especially the Spaniards, had in the first discoveries on the coast of Africa. We now turn to the history of the discoveries made, or rather caused to be made, by Prince Henry of Portugal. This Prince was born in 1394.

And Maude began to wonder how long it would last. It was a calm, mild evening in January, 1394, and in the Princess's bower, or bedroom, stood Maude, re-arranging a portion of her lady's wardrobe. The Duchess had been that day more than usually exacting and precise, much to the amusement of Bertram Lyngern, at present at Langley in the train of his master.

The body of Knes Lasar, after having been for some time hid, was buried here in 1394, remained till 1684, at which period it was taken over to Virdnik in Syrmium, where it remains to this day. In the cool of the evening the superior took me to a spring of clear delicious water, gushing from rocks environed with trees.

On the 2nd of October, 1394, the royal fleet of Richard arrived from Milford Haven, at Waterford. To those who saw Ireland for the first time, the rock of Dundonolf, famed for Raymond's camp, the abbey of Dunbrody, looking calmly down on the confluence of the three rivers, and the half-Danish, half-Norman port before them, must have presented scenes full of interest.

Yoshimitsu 1358 1367 1395 1408 Yoshimochi 1386 1395 1423 1428 Yoshikazu 1407 1423 .... 1425 Yoshinori 1394 1428 .... 1441 Yoshikatsu 1433 1441 .... 1443 Yoshimasa 1435 1443 1474 1490 Yoshihisa 1465 1474 .... 1489 Yoshizumi 1478 1493 1508 1511 Yoshiharu 1510 1521 1545 1550 Yoshiteru 1535 1545 .... 1565 Yoshihide 1565 1565 .... 1568 Yoshiaki 1537 1568 1573 1597

He took part in many wars, and died in Florence in 1394. He was born about 1320 at Sible Hedingham, a village in Essex. He married Domnia, a daughter of Bernabo Visconti. Francesco Bussone, born at Carmagnola about 1390, executed at Venice, 5th May 1432. Roberto of San Severino; died fighting for Venice against Sigismund, Duke of Austria, in 1487. "Primo capitano in Italia." Machiavelli.

Schildeberger, a native of Munich, was taken prisoner by the Turks in 1394: he afterwards accompanied Tamerlane in his campaigns till the year 1406. During this period, and his subsequent connexion with other Tartar chiefs, he visited various parts of central Asia.

At length, in the year 1394, when Richard was preparing for an expedition into Ireland to quell a rebellion which had broken out there, the queen was seized with a fatal epidemic which was then prevailing in England, and after a short illness she died. She was at her palace of Shene at this time.

But with the opening of the fifteenth century one particular tendency was developed under the fostering influence of FRANCESCO SQUARCIONE, born in 1394, which affected in a very sensible degree the style of the great painters of the next generation in Venice. This, in a word, was the cult of the antique.

In 1394 he landed with an army at Waterford, and received the general submission of the native chieftains.