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Cleveland was laid out for a fine city, so that as she grew little alteration was found necessary. The streets are wide, 80 to 120 feet Superior Street 132 feet and so abundant is the foliage, largely maple, that it is called the Forest city.

J. S. Haldane. Dr. A. R. Wallace. Article in Everyman, October 18th, 1912. Sir William Tilden. Letter to The Times, September 9th,1912. Life and Matter, p. 106. Pp. 132, f. Pp. 164, f. Lecture at Birmingham, May, 1911. Creative Evolution, p. 280. Hibbert Journal, October, 1911.

These were four hundred thousand prisoners in confinement; fifteen thousand smugglers were hung in a year, and three thousand men were broken on the wheel; there were more prisoners in Paris than there are now... Look at Europe. There are four millions of people shut up in Europe whose shrieks are never heard." Ibid., XXIV., 132. "Priests are to morality what charlatans are to medical practice.

But the soul which has passed through life with purity and moderation, having obtained the gods for its fellow-travelers and guides, settles each in the place suited to it. 132.

Thus, consumers' current savings are declining substantially from the extraordinarily high wartime rate and some wartime savings are beginning to be used for long-delayed purchases. Calendar year 1944 and October-December 1945 Excess Excess Income after taxes $134 ....... ...... $132 ...... ....... Expenditures ......$98............$107 .......

Letter to the People of Scotland against the attempt to diminish the number of the Lords of Session, 1785. BOSWELL. 'By Mr. Georgics, iv. 132. See ante, iii. 56, note 2. Very likely Boswell. See Boswell's Hebrides, Sept. 22. Johnson had said: 'Lord Chesterfield is the proudest man this day existing. Ante, i. 265. Lord Shelburne.

I'll go and ask him the number of the house." She disappeared into a gloomy region at the back of the shop, and was lost to sight for a minute or two. "He says 'twas 132," she said, emerging from the gloom, baby and all. "We're very much obliged to you," returned Miss Saxon. "Not at all, ma'am. Glad to have been of use to you."

"I will," said Jasper. He set out with one hundred and fifty dollars in his pocket for 132 S Street. We will precede him. It was a shabby house of two stories, with a wide front. It looked dilapidated and neglected, but except that it was in an unsavory neighborhood there was nothing to draw attention to it, or lead to the impression that it was the haunt of lawbreakers and desperate characters.

As a matter of official record, and in addition to the number paroled as given above, we captured between March 29th and the date of surrender 19,132 Confederates, to say nothing of Lee's other losses, killed, wounded and missing, during the series of desperate conflicts which marked his headlong and determined flight.

Let us note also that in the Slav communities women had the right to vote, and might be elected to the government of the community. De moribus Germanorum, XX. See also K. Pearson, The Chances of Death, Vol. II, p. 132. Grimm, Mythologie, Vol. I, p. 248. K. Pearson, The Chances of Death, Vol. II, p. 102. Starcke, op. cit. p. 105, citing Dargun and Grimm. See also Letourneau, op. cit. pp. 339-340.