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He differs from the concurrent testimony of other historians in making the affianced bride of Buondelmonte dei Buondelmonti a Giantruffetti instead of an Amidei, and the Bishop of Arezzo a Pazzi instead of an Ubertini. He reckons the Arti at twenty-four, whereas they numbered twenty-one. He places the Coronation of Henry VII. in August, instead of in June, 1312.

They sent the evidence they had collected to swell the mass of testimony from all Christendom, which was laid before the council of Vienne. When the pope suppressed the order in April, 1312, and transferred its lands to the Knights of St. John, the papal decrees were quietly carried out in England.

He was appointed plenipotentiary to treat with Robert Brace, on behalf of the King of England, "upon which occasion the Scottish deputies waited on him in Ireland." In the year 1302 Brace had married his daughter, the Lady Ellen, while of his other daughters one was Countess of Desmond, and another became Countess of Kildare in 1312.

That singular collection of salt and bitter water has the level of its surface depressed 1312 feet below that of the Mediterranean thus indicating an enormous subsidence. The Dead Sea occupies the site of what was formerly the plain of Jordan, described as having been "well-watered everywhere, as the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt."

While the attention of the rulers of England was thus occupied, Bruce, for the first time since Wallace's inroad of 1297, carried the war into the enemy's country, invading the north of England both in 1311 and in 1312. Meanwhile the strongholds of the country were passing out of the English power. Linlithgow was recovered in 1311; Perth in January, 1312-13; and Roxburgh a month later.

Edward the Second, and his beautiful but perfidious queen, Isabella of France, made Windsor Castle their frequent abode; and here, on the 13th day of November 1312 at forty minutes past five in the morning, was born a prince, over whose nativity the wizard Merlin must have presided.

Crossing the large Tuscan room again, we come to a little narrow room filled with what are now called cabinet pictures: far too many to study properly, but comprising a benignant old man's head, No. 1167, which is sometimes called a Filippino Lippi and sometimes a Masaccio, a fragment of a fresco; a boy from the serene perfect hand of Perugino, No. 1217; two little panels by Fra Bartolommeo No. 1161 painted for a tabernacle to hold a Donatello relief and representing the Circumcision and Nativity, in colours, and at the back a pretty Annunciation in monochrome; No. 1235, on the opposite wall, a very sweet Mother and Child by the same artist; a Perseus liberating Andromeda, by Piero di Cosimo, No. 1312; two or three Lorenzo di Credis; two or three Alloris; a portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, by Antonio Pollaiuolo; and three charming little scenes from the lives of S. John the Baptist and the Virgin, by Fra Angelico, which belong properly to the predella of an altar-piece that we saw in the first room we entered No. 1290, "The Coronation of the Virgin". No. 1162 has the gayest green dress in it imaginable.

We note on the entrance wall, 1260, a Virgin and Child by Cimabue if indeed we may now assign any work to that elusive personality. L. of this is a genuine Giotto, 1312, described by Vasari: St. Francis receiving the Stigmata.

It was not then foreseen that they would last so long, and still less that they would bring the King to the block. Hist. de l'Acad. p. 162. Ep. Grot. 1629. p. 575. Ep. 1250. p. 576. Ep. 1271. p. 576. Puffendorf, l. 11. § 60. Ep. 1283. p. 581. Ep. 1311. p. 593. Puffendorf, l. 11. § 78. Ep. 1312. p. 594. Ep. 1313, p. 595. Ep. 1317. p. 596. Ep. 1320. p. 598. Ep. 1319. p. 597. Ep. 1328. p. 601.

The chapel della Sacratissima Cintola was erected from the designs of Giovanni Pisano about 1320. This "most sacred" relic had long been deposited under the high altar of the principal chapel, and held in great veneration; but in the year 1312, a native of Prato, whose name was Musciatino, conceived the idea of carrying it off, and selling it in Florence.