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Scripture references: Matthew 13:31-33; 5:21-24; Mark 8:1-9; John 2:1-11; Luke 5:29; 14:13; 1 Peter 2:17; Galatians 6:9; Matthew 11:28-30; 12:50; Luke 15:5,6,8-10; John 17:11-15; Luke 5:29,30; Mark 1:28-33; Matthew 6:33; Luke 12:13-15.

One black sheep is soon espied, although in company with many; it is taken with the first cast of the eye; its different color still betrays it. I say, therefore, a church and a profession are not places where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves from God, that seeks for fruit: "My vineyard," saith God, "which is mine, is before me." Song 8:12; Psa. 26:8; 1 Kings, 9:3; Song 4:13-15.

"Affairs in Mexico," Sixty-fourth Cong., First Sess., Sen. Doc. No. 324. Martin, "Latin America and the War," pp. 13-15. In the foregoing chapters we have discussed the origin and the more important applications of the Monroe Doctrine. There remain, however, certain general aspects of the subject which require special consideration.

Also all blasphemous thoughts are likewise such as may be passed by, if the soul afflicted with them indeed is sorry for them; 1 Tim. i. 13-15; Mar. iii. 28. All but this, sinner, all but this! If God had said, he will forgive one sin, it had been undeserved grace; but when he says he will pardon all but one, this is grace to the height.

The cure of ten lepers Luke xvii. 11-19. The question of the Pharisees concerning divorce Matt. xix. 3-12; Mark x. 2-12. The blessing of little children Matt. xix. 13-15; Mark x. 13-16; Luke xviii. 15-17. The question of the rich young ruler Matt. xix. 16 to xx. 16; Mark x. 17-31; Luke xviii. 18-30. The third prediction of death and resurrection Matt xx. 17-19; Mark x. 32-34; Luke xviii. 31-34.

In case of the habits of men and women in their public church assemblies, that women's heads should be covered, men's uncovered in praying or prophesying. "Judge in yourselves, is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you, that if a man hath long hair, it is a shame to him? but if a woman have long hair it is a glory to her," &c., 1 Cor. xi. 13-15.

The different times David showed kindness to his enemies, II Sam. 9, 10, 16, and 19. Learn the details of each case. The organization of his kingdom, II Sam. 8:l6-18, 15:37, 16:16, 20:23-26; I Chron. 27:33. Tie rebellion of Sheba, II Sam. 20:1-22. The story of Adonijah, I K. Ch. 1. List David's last commands to Solomon, I K. 2:1-9. Nathan's parable to David, II Sam. 12:1-9, 13-15.

Num. v. 6-8; Lev. v. 1-7; vi. 1-8. Therefore seeing the shedding of man’s blood was rightly esteemed the greatest pollution of all, hence it was that as the society of the leprous was shunned by the clean, so that the company of murderers by good men was most religiously avoided, Lam. iv. 13-15. Triheres. Whereof see Drusius, Of the Three Sects of Jews, lib. 4, cap. 22.

The Publican durst not be his own mediator; he knew he had a blemish, and was infirm, and therefore he stands back; for he knew that it was none of him that his God had chosen to come near unto him, to offer "the fat and the blood;" Ezek. xliv. 13-15.

He voted against it every time it became before the Senate. The other Senator, George W. Norris, voted in favor each time and was always a helpful friend of woman suffrage. The last State convention met in Omaha June 13-15, 1920, with 104 delegates in attendance. With Mrs.