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The box-trap page 103, box-snare, page 55, figure-four, page 107, are all suitable for the capture of the rat; also, the examples given on pages 106, 109, 110, and 129. The steel-trap is often used, but should always be concealed from view. It is a good plan to set it in a pan covered with meal, and placed in the haunts of the rats.

Their virtues are blended in their children, and diffuse through the whole family a perpetual spirit of benevolence, complacency, and satisfaction. No. 129. Vertentem sese frustra sectabere canthum, Cum rota posterior curras & in axe secundo. PERS. Sat. v. ver. 71. Thou, like the hindmost chariot-wheels, art curst Still to be near, but ne'er to be the first.

On April 21 he wrote: 'After a confinement of 129 days, more than the third part of a year, and no inconsiderable part of human life, I this day returned thanks to God in St. Clement's Church for my recovery. Piozzi Letters, ii. 365. I went up the stairs to the pictures without stopping to rest or to breathe, "In all the madness of superfluous health."

The congregation, on the other hand, made preparations for defence; and being joined by the earl of Glencarne from the west, and being countenanced by many of the nobility and gentry, they appeared formidable from their numbers, as well as from the zeal by which they were animated. * Knox, p. 129. Knox, p. 131. * Knox, p. 133.

The Victoria falls into the Indian Ocean in latitude 14 degrees 40 minutes South and longitude 129 degrees 21 minutes East, being at its confluence with the sea, between Turtle and Pearce Points, twenty-six miles wide.

Cannon was on the free silver ticket against her husband, who was nominated for the same office on the Republican ticket. Of the other candidates for the senatorships on that ticket, four were men and one a woman. The men's vote stood: 6,405, 6,197, 6,129, 5,961. The woman's was 4,692. The only woman put up for State Representative ran 2,000 votes behind her ticket.

No. 134, Twenty-fourth Congress, 2d Session, Vol. ii. Doc. 129, State Papers, 1819-21, Vol. ii. "Allowed itself." The various New York legislatures from the end of the eighteenth century on were hotbeds of corruption. Time after time members were bribed to pass bills granting charters for corporations or other special privileges. Ibid., xx: 355-356.

Meanwhile we should send trusty spies across the border and quietly arm all the country round; but meanwhile we should conduct the whole matter with caution, in order not to betray our intentions to the Muscovites.” “Hah! Wait, prate, debate?” interrupted another Maciej, christened Sprinkler,129 from a great club that he called his sprinkling-brush; he had it with him to-day.

The Hon. W. D. Powell ceased to be Chief Justice during the previous year , when he was succeeded by Mr. Ante, p. 129. Macaulay's History of England, Vol. Statement of Facts relating to the Trespass on the Printing Press in the Possession of Mr. William Lyon Mackenzie, in June, 1826. Addressed to the Public generally, and particularly to the Subscribers and Supporters of the Colonial Advocate.

These humors broke out with great vehemence in a new session of parliament, held after six prorogations. The house of peers, which had hitherto forborne to touch on this delicate point, here took the lead; and the house of commons soon after imitated the zeal of the lords. * Melvil, p. 69, 70. Camden, p. 397. * D'Ewes, p. 129. D'Ewes, p. 124.